Journal index 1932 to 1977
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The Musical Scale | James Knight, MA, DSc, FRSE, FGS | 16 November 1932 | LXI | (1932) | 1 |
A Survey of the 1931 Census Report on the City of Glasgow | William Jones | 30 November 1932 | LXI | (1932) | 31 |
Some Observations on the High-Frequency Discharge | John Thomson, MA, PhD, DSc | 25 January 1933 | LXI | (1933) | 48 |
Scots at the Roman Court in the Fifteenth Century | Annie Cameron, MA, PhD | 25 January 1933 | LXI | (1933) | 59 |
Scotland and the Renaissance | Professor J D Mackie, MC, MA | 8 February 1933 | LXI | (1933) | 74 |
Technical Progress in Broadcasting | H Bishop, BSc, MIEE, AMIMechE | 22 February 1933 | LXI | (1933) | 90 |
The Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow | Professor A A Bowman, MA, LittD | 4 October 1933 | LXI | (1933) | 108 |
Unemployment and Health (Abstract) | Professor E P Cathcart, CBE, MD, DSc, LL.D, FRS | 13 December 1933 | LXI | (1933) | 133 |
Rotary Wing Aircraft (Abstract) | J de la Cierva, FRAeS | 10 January 1934 | LXI | (1934) | 135 |
Charles Macintosh, FRS, a Glasgow Chemist (Abstract) | Professor G G Henderson, MA, DSc, LL.D, FRS, FIC, FCS | 21 February 1934 | LXI | (1934) | 142 |
The National Electricity Scheme and the Work of the Central Electricity Board (Abstract) | Hugh Quigley | 7 March 1934 | LXI | (1934) | 144 |
Ancient Egypt to Modern England (Abstract) | James Weir French, DSc, FInstP, FSA, FPhys.S, FSoc.Glass Tech | 21 March 1934 | LXI | (1934) | 147 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1932-33 | LXI | 156 |
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Austria Today | His Excellency the Austrian Minister, Baron Georg Franckenstein | 10 October 1934 | LXII | (1934) | 1 |
Irrigation on the Blue Nile | Sir Arthur J C Huddleston, CMG, OBE, MA | 21 November 1934 | LXII | (1934) | 11 |
Notes on the Organisation of the Fascist State | Arthur S Hedderwick, BA (Econ and Pol) Cantab, LLB | 11 December 1934 | LXII | (1934) | 23 |
The Upper Air | James Knight JP, MA, DSc, FRSE, FRAS, FGS | 12 December 1934 | LXII | (1934) | 30 |
The Scottish Clans | Robert Bain, Depute City Librarian | 14 February 1935 | LXII | (1935) | 47 |
Coal - Some Present Day Problems | Sir Adam Nimmo, KBE | 20 February 1935 | LXII | (1935) | 61 |
Geography in India’s History | The Right Hon Lord Meston, KCSI, LLD | 9 October 1935 | LXII | (1935) | 75 |
Scottish Pottery | J Arnold Fleming, OBE, FRSE | 30 October 1935 | LXII | (1935) | 93 |
The Problem of the Adult Mental Defective | Dr Charles G A Chislett, MB, ChB, FRFPSG | 13 November 1935 | LXII | (1935) | 100 |
Some Recent Advances in Physical Science | E Taylor Jones, DSc | 20 November 1935 | LXII | (1935) | 114 |
Law in the Ancient East (Abstract) | William B Stevenson, DLitt, DD | 11 December 1935 | LXII | (1935) | 123 |
Modern Methods of Weather Forecasting (Abstract) | Sir George Simpson, KCB, FRS | 8 January 1936 | LXII | (1936) | 124 |
The Influence of Broadcasting on Modern Life | Melville Dinwiddie Esq, DSO, OBE, MCC | 19 February 1936 | LXII | (1936) | 126 |
Law and the Citizen | The Right Hon Lord Macmillan of Aberfeldy | 8 April 1936 | LXII | (1936) | 132 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1934-1935 | LXII | 144 |
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The Elucidation of Light, Historically Considered | James Weir French, DSc, FInstP, FSocGlass Tech, FPhysSoc, FSA | 7 October 1936 | LXIII | (1936) | 1 | (Presidential Address) |
Health Policy of the Future | Professor E P Cathcart, CBE, MD, DSc, LLD, FRS | 12 October 1936 | LXIII | (1936) | 36 |
The Re-Organisation of the Iron and Steel Industry | The Right Hon The Earl of Dudley | 18 November 1936 | LXIII | (1936) | 48 |
Filterable Viruses | Professor Edward Hindle, MA, ScD, PhD | 9 December 1936 | LXIII | (1936) | 60 |
Memoir of the Late James Knight M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.R.A.S., Fg.S. | James Weir French, DSc | 9 December 1936 | LXIII | (1936) | 70 |
Memoir of the Late Professor Peter Bennett | George E Allan, DSc | 9 December 1936 | LXIII | (1936) | 72 |
Agriculture and Present-Day Problems | The Right Hon Walter Elliot MC, MP, FRS, LLD | 27 January 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 74 |
The 200-Inch Telescope | H Spenser Jones, MA, ScD, FRS Astronomer Royal | 27 January 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 75 |
Recent Experiments in Land Reclamation in Scotland | W G Ogg, MA, PhD | 17 February 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 76 |
Working-Class Housing in Scotland, Today and Tomorrow | The late John E Highton, CB | 10 March 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 89 |
Memoir of the Late John Edwards, Ll.D., F.R.S.E., F.S.A. | Sir George A Mitchell, DL, LLD | 10 March 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 109 |
The Procedure of the House of Commons | Sir Charles MacAndrew, MP | 6 October 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 112 |
Eddies in Mountain Formation | E B Bailey, MC, MA, DSc,FRS | 17 November 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 113 |
Some Economic Aspects of the Empire Exhibition | Captain S J Graham | 24 November 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 114 |
Science and Government | Professor J Graham Kerr, MA, LLD, FRS, MP | 8 December 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 123 |
The Life and Work of David Stow | George Pratt Insh, MA, DLitt | 22 December 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 138 |
Problems Relating to Safety and Health in Coal Mines | Professor Andrew M Bryan, BSc, MIMinE, JP | 12 January 1938 | LXIII | (1938) | 140 |
Science and Electric Lighting | Clifford C Paterson, OBE, DSc, MInstCE, MIEE | 26 January 1938 | LXIII | (1938) | 153 |
Trends in Economic and Social Policy | Harold Macmillan, MP | 16 February 1938 | LXIII | (1938) | 161 |
The Music of the Spheres | The Right Hon Sir Halford Mackinder, PC | 27 October 1937 | LXIII | (1937) | 170 |
Prevention and the Individual | Professor Carl Hamilton Browning, MD, LLD, DPH, FRS | 9 March 1938 | LXIII | (1938) | 182 |
Memoir of the Late William Tweeddale, J.P. | Thomas R Innes, MA | LXIII | 189 |
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Abstract of Accounts For 1936-37 | LXIII | 193 |
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The Government of an Indian Province | The Right Hon Sir John Anderson, GCB, GCSI, MA, BSc, LLD, MP | 12 October 1938 | LXIV | (1938) | 1 |
Health and the General Practitioner | James M Mackintosh, MA, MD, DPH | 9 November 1938 | LXIV | (1938) | 16 |
A National Theatre | James Bridie | 23 November 1938 | LXIV | (1938) | 23 |
Health and the Nurse | A S M MacGregor, OBE, MD, DPH | 7 December 1938 | LXIV | (1938) | 40 |
The Privilege and Responsibility of Leadership | The Right Hon The Earl of Home, KT | 11 January 1939 | LXIV | (1939) | 53 |
Studies in Bracken and Experiments on its Control | Professor K W Baird, MA, BSc, FRSE, FLS | 24 January 1939 | LXIV | (1939) | 60 | (Abstract of Presidential Address to Biologial Section) |
Oil from Coal - A Review of the Problem | Professor William Cumming, DSc, FIC, MICHEME, FInstPet, FRSE | 25 January 1939 | LXIV | (1939) | 68 |
Results and Impressions of the Empire Exhibition, Scotland - 1938 | Sir Cecil M Weir, KBE, MC | 8 March 1939 | LXIV | (1939) | 83 |
Presidential Address - What is Electricity? | Professor Edward Taylor Jones, DSc(Lond), Hon DSc(Wales), | 11 October 1939 | LXIV | (1939) | 96 |
Some Implications of the Modern Theory of Renal Excretion | Professor J Shaw Dunn, MA, MD, MSc, FRFPSG | 27 February 1940 | LXIV | (1940) | 106 |
International Morality | William D Lamont, MA, DPhil | 22 November 1939 | LXIV | (1939) | 119 |
Church Towers in Scotland | Sir John Stirling Maxwell, Bart, KT | 10 January 1940 | LXIV | (1940) | 131 |
The Indebtedness of Science to Medicine | Professor T K Monro, MA, MD, LLD | 24 January 1940 | LXIV | (1940) | 134 |
The Interpretaton of English Scenery | Professor A E Trueman, DSc, FRSE, FGS | 6 March 1940 | LXIV | (1940) | 146 |
Abstract of Accounts for1937-38 and 1938-39 | LXIV | 153 |
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The British Universities (Abstract) | Sir Hector Hetherington, MA, LLD | 9 October 1940 | LXV | (1940) | 1 |
Nutrition in War Time | David P Cuthbertson, DSc, MD | 16 October 1940 | LXV | (1940) | 4 |
Recent Discoveries Concerning Sense Organs (Abstract) | O Lowenstein, DPhil, PhD | 13 November 1940 | LXV | (1940) | 15 |
Recent Advances in Atomic Physics | Professor Thomas Alty, DSc, PhD, FInstP, FRCS, FRSE | 20 November 1940 | LXV | (1940) | 17 |
Blood Transfusion | Professor Noah Morris, MD, ChB, DSc,DPH, FRFPSG | 4 December 1940 | LXV | (1940) | 28 |
The Glasgow School of Painting | T J Honeyman, MB, ChB, FRFPSG | 22 January 1941 | LXV | (1941) | 45 |
French and English Civilisations: A Comparison | Professor H J Fleure, DSc, MA, FRS | 29 January 1941 | LXV | (1941) | 53 |
The Colour Vision of Insects | Dora Ilse, PhD | 5 February 1941 | LXV | (1941) | 68 |
The Evolution of Scientific Societies (Alexander Pedler Memorial Lecture) | O J R Howarth, OBE, MA, PhD | 12 February 1941 | LXV | (1941) | 83 |
Some Problems of Scottish Agriculture | Professor William G R Paterson, OBE, BSc, NDA, FRSE | 19 February 1941 | LXV | (1941) | 96 |
The Social Life of Animals | F Fraser Darling, DSc, PhD, FRSE | 26 February 1941 | LXV | (1941) | 104 |
The Rise and Progress of Hygiene (Abstract) | David McKail, MD, DPH, FRFPSG | 12 March 1941 | LXV | (1941) | 121 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1939-40 | LXV | 125 |
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Planning for Post-War Glasgow | Sir William E Whyte, OBE, FRSE | 8 October 1941 | LXVI | (1941) | 1 |
The France of Today as Seen by a Frenchman | Monsieur de Malglaive | 22 October 1941 | LXVI | (1941) | 29 |
The Merchant Navy in War | Captain Alexander MacDonald | 3 December 1941 | LXVI | (1941) | 43 |
An Expedition to North China | Edward Hindle, MA, ScD, PhD, FRS | 14 January 1942 | LXVI | (1942) | 55 |
Experimental Research on Cancer | James W Cook, DSc, PhD, FIC, FRS | 4 February 1942 | LXVI | (1942) | 67 |
The Harvest of the Sea | F Gross, PhD | 11 February 1942 | LXVI | (1942) | 79 |
Some Twentieth Century Economic Trends | W F Crick | 4 March 1942 | LXVI | (1942) | 91 |
A Naturalist in the Gran Chaco Fifty Years Ago (Abstract) | Sir John Graham Kerr, MA, LLD, FRS, MP | 19 November 1941 | LXVI | (1941) | 107 |
The Fossil Grove and Some Other Extinct Forests (Abstract) | John Walton, MA, DSc, FRSE | 29 October 1941 | LXVI | (1941) | 113 |
Some Applications of Cathode Rays (Abstract) | Walter McFarlane, MA, DSc | 12 November 1941 | LXVI | (1941) | 114 |
A Hundred Years of Pharmacy (Abstract) | James P Todd, PhD, PhC | 26 November 1941 | LXVI | (1941) | 115 |
Art and the Church (Abstract) | Sir David Y Cameron, RA, RSA, LLD | 10 December 1941 | LXVI | (1941) | 116 |
Scottish Gemstones (Abstract) | William J McCallien, DSc | 7 January 1942 | LXVI | 1942 | 118 |
Civil Defence (Abstract) | Sir Steven Bilsland, Bart., MC, JP | 21 January 1942 | LXVI | 1942 | 118 |
The Nutrition of Plants (Abstract) | G Bond, BSc, PhD | 28 January 1942 | LXVI | 1942 | 120 |
The Exploration of the Stratosphere | F A Paneth, PhD (Vienna) | 25 February 1942 | LXVI | 1942 | 120 |
Plant Names (Abstract) | Sir William Wright Smith, MA, DesSc, FRSE | 11 March 1942 | LXVI | 1942 | 122 |
Modern Views on Evolution (Abstract) | Professor H Munro Fox, MA, MSc, FRS | 18 March 1942 | LXVI | 1942 | 123 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1940-41 | LXVI | 125 |
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Presidential Address - Medical Education Today | G H Edington, MD, DSc, FRSE | 7 October 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 1 |
Possible Developments in Scotland | Colonel the Right Hon Walter E Elliot MC, MB, DSc, LLD, PC, MP, FRS | 14 October 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 15 |
Modern Dramatic Art | James Bridie | 11 November 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 23 |
A Geologist in the Soviet Union | G W Tyrrell, ARCSc, PhD, DSc, FGS, VPRSE | 28 October 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 41 |
Clyde Seaweeds and their Economic Uses | Elsie Conway PhD | 16 December 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 53 |
Glasgow Trade Guilds | Thomas Hart, JP, CA, FRSE | 6 January 1943 | LXVII | 1943 | 65 |
Oceanography and its Application to the Fisheries | Alister C Hardy, FRS | 17 February 1943 | LXVII | 1943 | 87 |
Aeolian Tones (Abstract) | Professor E Taylor Jones, DSc (Lond), Hon DSc (Wales) | 21 October 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 99 |
Social Medicine (Abstract) | James M Mackintosh, MA, MD, DPH | 4 November 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 101 |
Agriculture and the State (Abstract) | J M Caie, MA, BL, BSc(Agric) | 18 November 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 106 |
Life in Prehistoric Scotland (Abstract) | Professor J Ritchie, MA, DSc | 25 November 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 108 |
Navigation (Abstract) | W M Smart, MA DSc FRAS | 2 December 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 109 |
Public Opinion in War Time (Abstract) | William D Robieson, MA, LLD | 9 December 1942 | LXVII | 1942 | 110 |
Biology in Post-War Reconstruction (Abstract) | Sir John Boyd Orr, DSO, MC, MA, MD, FRS | 13 January 1943 | LXVII | 1943 | 111 |
The Problem of Fatigue (Abstract) | Edward P Cathcart, CBE, MD, DSc, LLD, FRS | 20 January 1943 | LXVII | 1943 | 116 |
Musical Instruments (Abstract) | Bernard Hague, DSc,PhD, MIEE, FCGI | 27 January 1943 | LXVII | 1943 | 118 |
Artificial Cooling and its Vital Services (Abstract) | James Small, PhD, DSc, MI Mech E | 3 February 1943 | LXVII | 1943 | 119 |
Modern painting (Abstract) | Hugh A Crawford, ARSA | 24 February 1943 | LXVII | 1943 | 120 |
Human Life and Death at High Pressures (Abstract) | J B S Haldane, MA, FRS | 3 February 1943 | LXVII | 1943 | 122 |
Natural History and its Possibilities (Abstract) | W A F Balfour-Brown, MA, FRSE, FLS | 10 March 1943 | LXVII | 1943 | 123 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1941-42 | LXVII | 125 |
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The Mechanism of Speech and Song | Douglas Guthrie, MD, FRCS | 13 October 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 1 |
Agricultural Reconstruction in Post-War Europe | Sir E John Russell, OBE, DSc, FRS | 20 October 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 15 |
Housing and Planning | Sir John A MacTaggart, Bt, JP | 10 November 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 23 |
Salmon Research and the Development of the Salmon Fisheries | John Berry, PhD, FRSE | 1 December 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 45 |
The Financial Basis of Post-War Life | Rt Hon F W Pethick-Lawrence, PC, MA, MP | 5 January 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 61 |
New Metals and New Methods in Metallurgy | Cecil H Desch, DSc, PhD, LLD, FRS | 24 November 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 71 |
X-Rays, Crystals and Molecules | J Monteath Robertson, MA, DSc, PhD | 9 February 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 81 |
Hygiene Past and Present | J R Currie, MA, MD, DPH, FRCPE, LLD | 16 February 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 91 |
Animal Parthenogenesis, Natural and Artificial | Alexander D Peacock, DSc | 15 December 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 99 |
The Ear and its Functions | Otto Lowenstein, DrPhil, PhD | 1 March 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 125 |
The Anatomist and the Engineer (Abstract) | Professor Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thomson, CB, DSc, DLitt, LLD, FRS | 6 October 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 135 |
The Nursery School (Abstract) | John Jardine, OBE, MD, DPH, FRCSE | 27 October 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 135 |
The Cure of Unemployment (Abstract) | Dr J W Beyen | 3 November 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 137 |
Geology in the War and After (Abstract) | E B Bailey, MC, MA, DSc, FRS | 17 November 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 141 |
The Solomon Islands (Abstract) | Rev G K Moir, BA, FRGS | 8 December 1943 | LXVIII | 1943 | 143 |
Scientific Aids in Crime Detection (Abstract) | Professor John Glaister, JP, MD, DSc, FRSE, FRFPSG | 12 January 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 144 |
The China of Today (Abstract) | Rev Chevalier Arthur Taylor, DD, DChr, FRGS | 19 January 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 145 |
Art in Scotland (Abstract) | Stanley Cursiter, OBE, RSW, RSA, FRSE | 26 January 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 146 |
The Nation’s Milk (Abstract) | Sir George Wilson, MA | 2 February 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 148 |
Fifty Years of Municipal Transport (Abstract) | Eric R L Fitzpayne, BSc, MIEE, MIAE | 23 February 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 149 |
Youth Hostels - A Successful Social Experiment (Abstract) | James C Yuill | 8 March 1944 | LXVIII | 1944 | 155 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1942-43 | LXVIII | 1944 | 157 |
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A Modern Statistical Account of the Scottish People | James Gray Kyd, CBE, FFA, FRSE | 29 November 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 1 |
The History of Therapeutics | Noah Morris, MD, DSc, | 13 December 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 13 |
Agriculture at the Crossroads | Sir Robert Blyth Greig, MC, DSc, MSc, LLD, FRSE | 3 January 1945 | LXIX | 1945 | 35 |
Taxation and Industry with Particular Reference to Shipbuilding | Alexander Murray Stephen, MC, BA | 10 January 1945 | LXIX | 1945 | 43 |
Curiosities of Medieval Scots Law | Rt Hon Lord Cooper, OBE, MA, LLD, FRSE | 24 January 1945 | LXIX | 1945 | 51 |
Post-War Development of the Highlands and Islands | J M Bannerman, MA, BSc | 21 February 1945 | LXIX | 1945 | 65 |
Fluctuations in Trade | Alec L Macfie MA LLB DLitt | 28 February 1945 | LXIX | 1945 | 77 |
Genetics Today | G Pontecorvo, DrAgr, PhD | 7 February 1945 | LXIX | 1945 | 89 |
Concerts in 18th Century Scotland | Henry George Farmer, PhD, DLitt | 7 March 1945 | LXIX | 1945 | 99 |
Art and Industry | Allan Walton, RDI | 6 December 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 113 |
Future Prospects in National Education (Abstract) | Sir William Hamilton Fyfe, MA, LLD, FRSC | 4 October 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 121 |
The National Library of Scotland and its Manuscripts (Abstract) | Henry William Meikle, Hon RSA,MA, DLitt | 11 October 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 123 |
Our Voluntary Hospitals - Their Future or Fate (Abstract) | Robert F Barclay, CBE, LLB, LLD | 18 October 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 125 |
Character and Opinion in the United States (Abstract) | S K Ratcliffe | 25 October 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 129 |
Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy (Abstract) | Charles W Marshall BSc, MIEE | 1 November 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 131 |
The Human Face (Abstract) | Sir Kenneth Clark, KCB | 8 November 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 132 |
The Development of Light Industries in Scotland (Abstract) | Sir Steven Bilsland, Bt, MC, DL | 15 November 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 133 |
The Geological Exploration of Some Mountain Regions (Abstract) | Noel Ewart Odell, PhD, ARSM, FRSE, FGS | 22 November 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 134 |
Introducing Donald Duck (Abstract) | Dr T J Honeyman | 27 December 1944 | LXIX | 1944 | 136 |
Better Health (Abstract) | Charles Hill, MA, MD, DPH | 17 January 1945 | LXIX | 1945 | 137 |
Alpine Flowers: Their Homes and Habitats in Scotland (Abstract) | Robert M Adam | 14 February 1945 | LXIX | 1945 | 138 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1943-44 | LXIX | 139 |
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Citizenship in a Scientific Age | Sir James C Irvine, ScD, DCL, FRS | 3 October 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 1 |
Problems and Possibilities in British West Africa | Professor A E Trueman, DSc, FRS | 24 October 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 13 |
The Mineral Resources of Scotland | M MacGregor, MA, DSc, FGS | 31 October 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 28 |
Presidential Address- Yellow Fever | Edward Hindle, MA, ScD, PhD, FRS | 21 November 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 43 |
The Significance of Blood Groups in Biology and in Human Affairs | Daniel F Cappell, MD | 28 November 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 55 |
Forestry as an Industry and its Future Prospects in Scotland | Sir Samuel Strang Steel, Bt | 9 January 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 67 |
Hydro-Electric Development in Scotland | A E MacColl | 13 February 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 79 |
Employment and Health | Thomas Ferguson, MD, DSc | 6 March 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 93 |
Freedom and International Peace | Lionel Curtis, MA | 13 March 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 105 |
The Marine Environment (Abstract) | C M Yonge, DSc, FRSE | 10 October 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 119 |
Problems in the Replanning of Glasgow (Abstract) | Robert Bruce, BSc, MInstCE, MInstM and CyE | 7 November 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 121 |
The Future of Synthetic Plastics (Abstract) | H W Melville, FRS | 14 November 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 122 |
Universal Languages (Abstract) | James M Clark, MA, PhD | 5 December 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 123 |
The Burma Campaign: The Wingate Expedition (Abstract) | Brigadier Bernard Fergusson, DSO | 12 December 1945 | LXX | 1945 | 124 |
Modern Cosmology (Abstract) | William Greaves, MA, FRS | 16 January 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 126 |
New Insecticides (Abstract) | Sir Ian Heilbron, DS, DSc, LLD, FRS | 23 January 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 128 |
Some Observations upon the Administration of Public Business In Scotland (Abstract) | Rt Hon Thomas Johnston | 30 January 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 130 |
Listening to 16th Century Music (Abstract) | Professor Ernest Bullock, CVO, MusD, FRCM, FRCO | 6 February 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 132 |
Centimetric Radar and its Use by the R.A.F. (Abstract) | Professor Philip I Dee, MA, FRS | 20 February 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 133 |
Ecology and Plant Distribution (Abstract) | Professor J R Matthews, MA, FRSE | 27 February 1946 | LXX | 1946 | 137 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1944-45 | LXX | 139 |
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Presidential Address - The House of Memories: Musings Without Dates | Sir Robert Bruce, DL, LLD, FRSE | 2 October 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 1 |
The Physical Principles of the Release of Atomic Energy | Samuel C Curran MA, BSc, PhD, FInstP | 9 October 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 17 |
Scotland’s Herring Industry | Sir Frederick Bell, OBE, MC | 5 February 1947 | LXXI | 1947 | 27 |
A Pathologist on Active Service | George L Montgomery, TD, MD | 12 February 1947 | LXXI | 1947 | 39 |
A Review of Some Recent Research on Virus Diseases of Raspberry and Strawberry in Great Britain | R V Harris, DSc | 27 November 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 51 |
The Fertility of the Sea | S M Marshall, DSc and A P Orr, MA, DSc | 5 March 1947 | LXXI | 1947 | 61 |
Carnivorous Flowering Plants | John Walton, MA, DSc | 16 October 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 73 |
India at the Crossroads (Abstract) | Sir Gilbert Hogg, KCIE, CSI | 23 October 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 81 |
Early Swimming Reptiles (Abstract) | Professor D M S Watson, MSc, FRS | 30 October 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 81 |
Industrial Structure of Glasgow District (Abstract) | Charles A Oakley, BSc, EdB | 6 November 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 82 |
Distribution of Population in Scotland (Abstract) | Alexander Stevens, MA, BSc | 20 November 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 84 |
The Orchestra and its Story (Abstract) | Dr C Henry Phillips | 4 December 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 84 |
Atomic Energy (Abstract) | Professor M L E Oliphant, FRS | 11 December 1946 | LXXI | 1946 | 85 |
Matter and Life (Abstract) | Professor Charles A Campbell, MA | 8 January 1947 | LXXI | 1947 | 86 |
Electric Fishes (Abstract) | Sir Henry Dale, OM, GBE, MD, FRS | 15 January 1947 | LXXI | 1947 | 87 |
The Prospects of a Tourist Industry in Scotland (Abstract) | Dr T J Honeyman | 29 January 1947 | LXXI | 1947 | 88 |
The Royal Institution of Great Britain (Abstract) | Sir Robert Robertson, KBE, MA, FRS | 19 February 1947 | LXXI | 1947 | 90 |
The Mountains of East Greenland and their Origin (Abstract) | Professor L R Wager, BA, ScD, FRS, FGS | 12 March 1947 | LXXI | 1947 | 91 |
Abstact of Accounts | LXXI | 93 |
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The Chronic Rheumatic Diseases | J W McNee, DSO, MD, DSc, FRCP | 29 October 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 1 |
The Significance of Latin America | William C Atkinson, MA | 5 November 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 11 |
Iron and Steel | Sir Andrew McCance, DSc, FRS | 28 January 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 27 |
The Professors And Their Critics (Glasgow University in the 18th Century) | J D Mackie, CBE, MC, MA | 11 February 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 37 |
The Scottish Renaissance Movement | Maurice Lindsay | 18 February 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 59 |
Interpreting Britain - The Work of The British Council | H Harvey Wood, OBE, MA, FRSE | 3 March 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 83 |
Tidal Power | B D Richards, BSc, MICE | 10 March 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 97 |
Infantry Morale in Battle (Abstract) | Major-General Douglas Wimberley, CB, DSO, MC, DL | 1 October 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 109 |
Some Contributions of the Organic Chemist to Biological Science (Abstract) | Professor F S Spring, DSc, PhD, FRIC | 8 October 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 111 |
Education in the Last Hundred years (Synopsis) | John Wishart CBE, LLD, MA, FEIS | 15 October 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 112 |
Britain‘s Financial Position and The American Loan (Synopsis) | W H Hinton, MA, LLD | 22 October 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 112 |
The Work of the Plymouth Laboratory of The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Abstract) | F S Russell, DSc, DFC, FRS | 12 November 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 113 |
British Portrait Painting (Extract) | Douglas Percy Bliss, MA, ARCA | 19 November 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 114 |
The Sheriff Courts, Glasgow (Synopsis) | James Adair | 26 November 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 115 |
Alexander Graham Bell and the Invention of the Telephone (Abstract) | Professor G W O Howe, DSc, LLD | 3 December 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 116 |
Sociology and the Emphasis on “Scientific Method” (Abstract) | John Highet, MA, DPhil | 10 December 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 117 |
Can We Avoid the Next Depression? (Abstract) | Alexander Loveday, MA | 17 December 1947 | LXXII | 1947 | 118 |
Midges and Other Biting Insects (Extract) | John A Downes, ARCS, BSc | 7 January 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 120 |
Trends in Social Health (Abstract) | Sir Andrew Davidson, MD, MRCPEd, DPH, FRSE | 14 January 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 121 |
Modern Intelligence Tests (Abstract) | R W Pickford, MA, PhD | 21 January 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 123 |
Physics and Reality: a Problem in Education (Abstract) | Professor Norman Feather FRS | 4 February 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 125 |
Gas Turbines (Extract) | Professor James Small, PhD, DSc | 25 February 1948 | LXXII | 1948 | 126 |
Extract of Accounts for 1947-48 | LXXII | 127 |
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Whales | L Harrison Matthews, MA ScD | 27 October 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 1 |
American Foreign Policy | Sir Harold Butler, KCMG, CB, LLD | 17 November 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 15 |
Evolution in Fossil Communities | T Neville George, DSC, PhD, FRSE, FGS | 24 November 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 23 |
The Scottish Burgh of Barony in Decline 1707-1908 | George S Pryde, MA, PhD | 26 January 1949 | LXXIII | 1949 | 43 |
Industry and Technology | J Cameron Smail, OBE, LLD, FRSE | 16 February 1949 | LXXIII | 1949 | 65 |
Reactions in Monolayers (Abstract) | Professor E K Rideal, MBE, DSc, FRS | 13 October 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 77 |
Physical Cosmology from Pythagoras to Eddington (Abstract) | Professor A D Ritchie, MA | 20 October 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 77 |
Our Food Habits and their History (Abstract) | Sir Jack Drummond, DSc, FRS | 10 November 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 78 |
Novel-Writing (Abstract) | Guy McCrone | 1 December 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 79 |
Studies in Australian Plant Chemistry (Abstract) | Professor John Read, FRS | 8 December 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 80 |
Modern Methods in the Control of Plant Diseases (Abstract) | C E Foister, PhD, BA | 15 December 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 81 |
Some Scientific Amusements (Children’s Christmas Lecture Abstract) | J M A Lenihan, MSc | 29 December 1948 | LXXIII | 1948 | 82 |
Colour Vision and Industry (Abstract) | W J B Riddell, MD | 12 January 1949 | LXXIII | 1949 | 83 |
Science and Telecommunications (Abstract) | L E Ryall, PhD, MIEE | 19 January 1949 | LXXIII | 1949 | 84 |
Some Problems of the Naval Architect (Abstract) | Professor A M Robb, DSc | 9 February 1949 | LXXIII | 1949 | 84 |
The Domestic Affairs of Caterpillars (Abstract) | Professor W A F Balfour-Browne, MA | 23 February 1949 | LXXIII | 1949 | 85 |
Modern Methods of Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis (Abstract) | Stuart I A Laidlaw, BSc, MD, DPH, BL, DPH | 2 March 1949 | LXXIII | 1949 | 86 |
Clan Campbell and the ‘45 (Abstract) | James Fergusson of Kilkerran | 9 March 1949 | LXXIII | 1949 | 88 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1947-48 | LXXIII | 89 |
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Dramaturgy in Scotland | James Bridie | 12 October 1949 | LXVIV | 1949 | 1 |
The Near East in Recent History | Esmond Wright, MA | 19 October 1949 | LXVIV | 1949 | 21 |
In Search of Nitrogen | Professor Hugh Nicol, PhD, FRIC | 2 November 1949 | LXVIV | 1949 | 33 |
The Physiology of High Altitude Flight | Wing Commander W K Stewart, AFC | 7 December 1949 | LXVIV | 1949 | 45 |
Fundamental Particles | J C Gunn, MA | 25 January 1950 | LXVIV | 1950 | 57 |
Recent Advances in Soil Research at the Macaulay Institution | D N McArthur, DSc, PhD, FRIC, FRSE | 1 March 1950 | LXVIV | 1950 | 71 |
Man and his Environment (Abstract) | Robert G Garry, MB, DSc | 26 October 1949 | LXVIV | 1949 | 79 |
Atomic Energy (Abstract) | Sir John Cockcroft, CBE, FRS, MA, PhD, MSc, LLD | 9 November 1949 | LXVIV | 1949 | 79 |
The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland (Abstract) | James R Lumsden,CBE, DL | 2 November 1949 | LXVIV | 1949 | 81 |
Recent Work on the Geology of Coal and Coalfields (Abstract) | Arthur E Trueman, DSc,FRS | 14 December 1949 | LXVIV | 1949 | 81 |
Hume’s Attitude to Religion (Abstract) | Professor W G Maclagan, MA, PhD | 11 January 1950 | LXVIV | 1950 | 83 |
The Scottish House (Abstract) | Robert Hurd | 18 January 1950 | LXVIV | 1950 | 84 |
Some Problems of Roman Britain (Abstract) | Ian A Richmond, MA, LLD, FBA, FSA | 1 February 1950 | LXVIV | 1950 | 87 |
Animal Locomotion (Abstract) | Professor James Gray, FRS | 8 February 1950 | LXVIV | 1950 | 89 |
Antibiotics (Abstract) | Stephen Hutchinson, BSc, PhD | 15 February 1950 | LXVIV | 1950 | 91 |
The Military Problem of the Evacuation of Palestine in 1948 (Abstract) | Lieutenant-General Sir Gordon H A Macmillan,CBE, DSO, MC | 22 February 1950 | LXVIV | 1950 | 94 |
What is Visual Education? (Abstract) | Samuel Thompson, MA | 8 March 1950 | LXVIV | 1950 | 97 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1948-49 | LXVIV | 99 |
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Fish Bones | E Ford, ARCSc, DIC, FRSE | 25 October 1950 | LXXV | 1950 | 1 |
The Purpose of Psychiatry | Sir David K Henderson, MD, FRFP | 1 November 1950 | LXXV | 1950 | 11 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls | Professor John Mauchline, MA, DD | 8 November 1950 | LXXV | 1950 | 25 |
The Chemical Approach to Cell Structure | J Norman Davidson,MD, DSc, FRSE | 13 December 1950 | LXXV | 1950 | 33 |
The British Universities in the Post War Era | Sir Hector Hetherington, KBE, MA, LLD, DLitt | 17 January 1951 | LXXV | 1951 | 39 |
Architecture, Glasgow and Mackintosh | Professor William J Smith, MA, FSA, FRIBA | 24 January 1951 | LXXV | 1951 | 55 |
Problems of Taste in an Industrial Society | Wyndham Goodden | 28 February 1951 | LXXV | 1951 | 69 |
The Romans in Scotland | Miss Anne S Robertson, MA | 7 February 1951 | LXXV | 1951 | 85 |
Youth Movements (Abstract) | Sir Ian Bolton, Bt, OBE, DL | 11 October 1950 | LXXV | 1950 | 97 |
The Woman Prisoner and her Prospects (Abstract) | The Hon Victoria Bruce | 18 November 1950 | LXXV | 1950 | 98 |
Research in the Upper Atmosphere (Abstract) | E G Dymond, MA | 15 November 1950 | LXXV | 1950 | 100 |
Glenmore Lodge (Abstract) | Mrs May Brown and Charles Cromar | 6 December 1950 | LXXV | 1950 | 100 |
Bacteria and Animal Nutrition (Abstract) | J W Howie, MD | 10 January 1951 | LXXV | 1951 | 102 |
Some Thoughts on the Meaning of Education (Abstract) | Sir Roderic Hill, KCB, MC, AFC, MA | 31 January 1951 | LXXV | 1951 | 103 |
The Golden Eagle (Abstract) | C Eric Palmar, ARPS, MBOU | 14 February 1951 | LXXV | 1951 | 105 |
Recent Advances in the Biochemistry and Physiology of Lactation (Abstract) | J A B Smith, PhD, DSc, FRIC | 21 February 1951 | LXXV | 1951 | 106 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1949-50 | LXXV | 108 |
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From Magic to Science | F Sherwood Taylor, MA, BSc, PhD | 10 October 1951 | LXVI | 1951 | 1 |
The Concept of Psychosomatic Medicine | T Ferguson Rodger, BSc, MB | 21 November 1951 | LXVI | 1951 | 17 |
The Place of Glasgow in Medical History | A K Bowman, MB, ChB, FRFPS | 23 January 1952 | LXVI | 1952 | 31 |
The Electron Microscope | Ian M Dawson, BSc, PhD | 5 December 1951 | LXVI | 1951 | 47 |
Ehrlich and the Development of Chemotherapy (Abstract) | Professor Carl H Browning, MD, DPH, FRS, LLD | 24 October 1951 | LXVI | 1951 | 53 |
Some Problems of Planktonic life (Abstract) | Professor A C Hardy, FRS | 31 October 1951 | LXVI | 1951 | 54 |
Some Aspects of Aeronautical Research | Professor W J Duncan, DSc, FRS | 7 November 1951 | LXVI | 1951 | 55 |
The Glasgow Synchrotron and its Uses (Abstract) | Professor Philip Dee, CBE, MA, FRS | 14 November 1951 | LXVI | 1951 | 58 |
The Isle of May: A Scottish Bird Observatory (Abstract) | Professor M F M Meiklejohn, MA | 28 November 1951 | LXVI | 1951 | 59 |
Some Aspects of Education and Industry in the United States (Abstract) | Dr David S Anderson, ARTC, MIMechE | 16 January 1952 | LXVI | 1952 | 61 |
Local Dialects of English and their History (Abstract) | Professor Norman Davis, MBE, MA | 30 January 1952 | LXVI | 1952 | 63 |
The Clyde Valley: Its Geology and Scenery (Abstract) | Stuart M K Henderson, BSc, PhD | 5 February 1952 | LXVI | 1952 | 64 |
The Cleaning and Restoration of Works of Art (Abstract) | Dr T J Honeyman | 20 February 1952 | LXVI | 1952 | 65 |
Philosophy and Life in 15th Century Scotland (Abstract) | Mrs Annie Dunlop, MA, PhD, LLD | 27 February 1952 | LXVI | 1952 | 66 |
Clyde Yachting Now and Then: An Historical Review (Abstract) | W M Mackinlay | 5 March 1952 | LXVI | 1952 | 68 |
Abstract of Accounts for 1950-51 | LXVI | 69 |
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Some Limits of Measurement | Professor R V Jones | 23 January 1963 | 1 | 1963 | 3 |
Politics | Professor Allen M Potter | 26 April 1963 | 1 | 1963 | 20 |
The Metaphysics of the Atom Bomb | Joseph Schorstein, FRCS | 5 February 1962 | 1 | 1962 |
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The Origin of Life | William W Fletcher,BSc, PhD, FLS, MIBiol | 1 February 1964 | 1 | 1964 |
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Congenital Malformations | Paul Bacsich | 1 | 62 |
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Nature’s Interpreters in the 1890s | David Irwin | 1 | 80 |
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Inaugural Lecture: The Nature of Economics | Professor K J W Alexander | 22/11/1963 | 1 | 1963 | 90 |
The Concept of Evil in the Philosophy of Karl Jaspers | Geraint V Jones, MA, BLitt | 1 | 102 |
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VOLUME 2 - 1965 |
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Tyranny of the Expert | Ritchie Calder, CBE, MA | 19 February 1964 | 2 | 1964 | 1 |
Inaugural Lecture: Is There a Science of Psychology? | Professor Gustav Jahoda | 1 May 1964 | 2 | 1964 | 10 |
Two Ways of Thinking | Karl M Abenheimer, FBPsS | 2 | 23 |
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Why Teach Science? | John A Lenahan, MSc, PhD, AMIEE, FInstP | 11 March 1964 | 2 | 1964 | 35 |
The Problems of Food Science | Professor John Hawthorn | 2 | 42 |
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The Molecule: The Evolution of a Concept | J C Speakman, MSc, PhD, DSc | 2 | 55 |
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The City and the American Way of Life | J Wreford Watson, MA, PhD, FRS | 2 | 75 |
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The Early Camus - a Reconsideration | Ian H Walker | 2 | 91 |
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Infancy - A Study in Philosophical Psychology | James K Feibleman | 2 | 104 |
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Marc Bloch and the Historian’s Craft | John Larner | 2 | 123 |
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Dr Plumb on History | John Sanderson | 2 | 133 |
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VOLUME 3 -1966 |
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The Origin of the Constellations | Michael W Ovenden, MA, BSc, PhD, FRAS, FRSE | 20 January 1965 | 3 | 1965 | 1 |
Domestic Life in Sardinia | Professor M F M Meiklejohn | 3 February 1965 | 3 | 1965 | 19 |
Refrigeration Below 1 Kelvin | Professor E Mendoza | 3 March 1965 | 3 | 1965 | 31 |
Science, Religion and Theology | Trant B Luard | 3 | 38 |
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Sources and Estuaries of Abstraction | Manfred Gordon, DSc, FRSE | 10 May 1965 | 3 | 1965 | 46 |
The Logic of Value Conflicts | John de Lucca | 3 | 62 |
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Joseph Lister - Surgeon-Biologist | Sir Charles Illingworth | 6 October 1965 | 3 | 1965 | 73 |
Ambiguous Creation | John A M Rillie | 3 | 82 |
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Theosophy and the Age of Science | J L Shank | 3 | 95 |
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Shipbuilding Today | Sir William Lithgow, Bt | 2 February 1966 | 3 | 1966 | 106 |
Significance of the Novel in French-Speaking Black Africa | Anthony C Brench | 3 | 116 |
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On Certain Statistical Features of the Pauline Epistles | M Levison, A Q Morton and W C Wake | 3 | 129 |
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Review - Man, the Universe, and Mind by P A Moritz | L Pompa | 3 | 149 |
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Volume 4 - 1967 |
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A Century of Mendelism | John Johnston | 17 November 1965 | 4 | 1965 | 1 |
The Scottish Car Industry, Past and Present | Sarah C Orr | 19 January 1966 | 4 | 1966 | 10 |
Durrenmatt’s Detective Stories | Bernard Ashbrook | 4 | 17 |
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A Sense of the World | Barbara Bray | 4 | 30 |
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Jung’s ‘Meaningful Coincidences’ | Gustav Jahoda | 4 | 35 |
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The Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow: A Sesquincentennial Address | Andrew Kent | 19 November 1952 | 4 | 1952 | 43 |
Estuaries - for Use or Ornament? | Robert L Drew | 4 | 51 |
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Review - Versuch Uber das Denken by Felix Grayeff | Magda King | 4 | 65 |
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Review - An Introduction to Ethics by J D Mabbott | L Pompa | 4 | 70 |
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Indispensable Fallacy | George Wyllie | 4 | 73 |
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Rules of the Game | T C Goodrich | 4 | 82 |
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Rilke and Nietzsche | Karl M Abenheimer | 4 | 95 |
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The Exploration of the Moon | A E Roy | 16 February 1966 | 4 | 1966 | 107 |
An Interpretation of the World of Kafka | Geraint V Jones | 4 | 118 |
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Does Toynbee need Two Theories of History? | Berkley B Eddins | 4 | 137 |
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Review - The Truth about Cancer by Charles S Cameron | Godfrey Caesar | 4 | 144 |
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Review - The Scientific Approach by Professor J T Davies | G Wyllie | 4 | 145 |
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Review - Freedom of the Individual by Stuart Hampshire | Geraint V Jones | 4 | 146 |
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Review - Loneliness: A Study of the Human Condition by Ethel Manning | B W P Wells | 4 | 149 |
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Review - Equality by John Wilson | John J Jenkins | 4 | 150 |
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Review - Theory of Knowledge by A D Woozley | L Pompa | 4 | 154 |
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VOLUME 5 - 1968 |
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Reflections on Punishment | Anne Grace Mojtabai | 5 | 1 |
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Man, Science and Natural History | R A Crowson | 5 | 18 |
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Thoughts on Historical Determinism and Necessity | Professor Alec Nove | 5 | 24 |
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Scottish Influences on Contemporary American Philosphy | Keith Lehrer | 4 February 1967 | 5 | 1967 | 34 |
Reid’s Critique of Hume’s Moral Theory | Nicholas Capaldi | 5 | 43 |
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Lord Kelvin, the Young Professor ( Seventh Kelvin Lecture) | Andrew Kent | 4 October 1967 | 5 | 1969 | 47 |
University of the Air | Brian Jackson | 5 | 54 |
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Communication with Other Worlds in Fiction | James R Knowlson | 5 | 61 |
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Review: The Triumph of the Therapeutic. Uses of Faith after Freud by Philip Rieff | Kark M Abenheimer | 5 | 75 |
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Review: Tradition und Transformation der Modalitat by Ingetrud Pape | Magda King | 5 | 78 |
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Review: Ideologie und Warheit. Zur Kritik der Politischen Vernunft by Herman Zeltner | Magda King | 5 | 78 |
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Review: Natural Law by A P d’Entreves | John J Jenkins | 5 | 79 |
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Review: Toward a New Morality by Gershon G Rosenstock | John J Jenkins | 5 | 79 |
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Review: The Philosophy of Sartre by Mary Warnock | I H Walker | 5 | 81 |
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Modelling Physical Reality | Professor D F Lawden | 6 February 1968 | 5 | 1968 | 87 |
On Wisdom and the Limits to Deductive Systems | Gerrit Daams | 5 | 105 |
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Robbe-Grillet: Yes...No...Probably | Peter Sharratt | 5 | 112 |
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Moral Censorship and the Law | Elspeth Attwooll | 5 | 129 |
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John Anderson’s Rain Gauge | C G Wood | 5 | 138 |
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Pesticides and the Environment | William W Fletcher | 5 | 151 |
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Review: The New Dialogue Between Philosophy and Theology by James Alfred Martin | R W Hepburn | 5 | 160 |
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Review: Kant’s Theory of Time by Sadik J Al-Azm | I H Walker | 5 | 161 |
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Review: Intentionality, Minds and Perception. Ed. Hector-Neri Castaneda | L Pompa | 5 | 163 |
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Review: George Berkeley: A Reappraisal by A D Ritchie | J Houston | 5 | 164 |
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VOLUME 6 - 1969 |
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Reforming the Law | Lord Kilbrandon | 28 February 1968 | 6 | 1968 | 1 |
The Triumph of Technology (Eighth Kelvin Lecture) | John M A Lenihan | 27 March 1968 | 6 | 1968 | 12 |
Empathy | Christopher Small | 6 | 19 |
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The Historian as Model Builder | Professor S G Checkland | 6 | 36 |
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What is Theology? | Allan D Galloway | 6 | 50 |
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Catullus Today: Some Suggestions for a Criticism | T E Kinsey | 6 | 63 |
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The Mill Analogy and its Critics | Bruce Kuklick | 6 | 74 |
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Review: The Sociology of Religion: A Study of Christendom by Werner Stark | Johnston R McKay | 6 | 81 |
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Review: The Leibniz-Arnauld Correspondence. Ed. H T Mason | L Pompa | 6 | 85 |
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Review: The Idea of Progress by Charles Van Doren | Joanna Kitchin | 6 | 85 |
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Review: Exploration of the Moon by Spacecraft by Z Kopal and The Interior Planets by V A Firsoff | A E Roy | 6 | 92 |
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Review: Meaning for Man by Rollin Chambliss | John J Jenkins | 6 | 92 |
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Verbal Victory and Existential Anguish | Leslie A Shepard | 6 | 95 |
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Keats and the Pursuit of the Sublime | J R Watson | 6 | 112 |
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Space | Hugh Montgomery | 6 | 127 |
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The Examined Life | Athur E Dell Orto | 6 | 141 |
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The Disruption: An Examination of Some Statistics | Johnston R McKay (Jnr) | 6 | 143 |
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Inaugural Lecture: History, Politics and Universities | Geoffrey Best | 4 March 1969 | 6 | 1969 | 151 |
On the Plurality of Discernibles | Helier J Robinson | 6 | 166 |
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Review: The Foundation of Physics and The Foundation of Empirical Knowledge by Pieter van Heerden | G Wyllie | 6 | 180 |
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Review: Hume’s Philsophy of Human Nature by John Laird and Hume’s Theory of the Understanding by Ralph W Church | Pall S Ardal | 6 | 181 |
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Review: The Labyrinth of Language by Max Black | G A Runnalls | 6 | 183 |
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Review: Moral Strategy by James Feibleman | John J Jenkins | 6 | 184 |
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Review: Royce and Hocking, American Idealists. Christopher Publishing House, Boston, Mass | Bernard Mollenhauer | 6 | 186 |
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Review: Tradition und Kritik by Rudolph Zocher | Magda King | 6 | 187 |
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Review: Pain. Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects | KarL M Abenheimer | 6 | 188 |
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Review: Evil and the Concept of God by E H Madden and Peter M Hare | Geraint V Jones | 6 | 190 |
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VOLUME 7 - 1970 |
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Transplantation | Paul Bacsich | 17 January 1968 | 7 | 1968 | 1 |
An Integrative-Level Substitution for the Mind-Body Problem | James K Feibleman | 7 | 29 |
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Reflections on the Novel ‘Die Blechtrommel‘ (The Tin Drum) | Karl M Abenheimer | 7 | 37 |
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The Temporal Dimensions of Existence | Stella Booth | 7 | 48 |
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Sartre as Dramatist | David Bradby | 7 | 63 |
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Biochemistry: Its Origins and Early Developments | P J Heald | 7 | 78 |
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Review: The Open Philosophy and the Open Society by Maurice Cornforth | John J Jenkins | 7 | 88 |
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The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzche Tr. Kauffman and Hollingdale | J E Llewelyn | 7 | 93 |
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The Idea of God: Philosophical Perspectives. Ed. Madden, Handy and Farber | Geraint V Jones | 7 | 94 |
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Thomas Graham and the Kinetic Theory of Gases | E A Mason | 7 | 99 |
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Thomas Graham: A Centenary Account | Edith Frame | 7 | 116 |
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The Scottish Dominie | James Scotland | 7 | 128 |
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Moral Philosophy in the University | Professor R S Downie | 7 | 142 |
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Supernatural - or Transcendent | Eric H Pyle | 7 | 156 |
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Baby’s First Steps | A E Roy | 7 | 171 |
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Review: Science: Men: Methods: Goals. Ed. Brody and Capaldi | R H Stoothoff | 7 | 176 |
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Review: Nicole Oresme and the Medieval Geometry of Qualities and Motions. Ed. Marshall Clagett | Peter Sharratt | 7 | 177 |
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Review: Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science 111 by B Van Rootselaar and J F Staal | R H Stoothoff | 7 | 179 |
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Review: The Foundations of Wittgenstein’s Late Philosophy by E K Specht | L Pompa | 7 | 181 |
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Review: Respect for Persons by R S Downie and E Telfer | T D Campbell | 7 | 184 |
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Review: The New Testament - A New Translation by William Barclay | Hugh Anderson | 7 | 186 |
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VOLUME 8 - 1971 |
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Molecular Studies by Fourier Analysis - The 1970 Kelvin Lecture | J Monteath Robertson, CBE, MA, PhD, LLD, FRS | 8 | 1970 | 1 |
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Keats and Psychology | Neil Montgomery | 8 | 18 |
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Ecclesiastical History: Its Growth and Relevance | W H C Frend, TD, DD |
| 8 | 38 |
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The New Saints (revised) | John Sanderson | 8 | 1969 | 52 |
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The Political Philosophy of William Ernest Hocking: Its Light on the Crisis of Values, Social Order | Bernard Mollenhauer | 8 | 63 |
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Review: Karl Jaspers: Philosophy. Vol.1. Tr. E B Ashton | Eva Schaper | 8 | 69 |
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Review: Buffalo Studies, Vol.IV | I H Walker | 8 | 72 |
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Review: The History of Scottish Education by James Scotland | J A Russell | 8 | 75 |
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Review: Space, Time and Incarnation by Thomas F Torrance | Philip Mairet | 8 | 77 |
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The Crisis of World Universities: 700 Years of Anarchy | Lord Bowden | 19 February 1970 | 8 | 1970 | 79 |
Towards a Scottish Philosophy | Andrew Cruickshank | 8 | 93 |
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The Natural Philosopher’s Contribution to Medicine | John M A Lenihan | 19 October 1970 | 8 | 1970 | 105 |
Philosophical Elitism: The Example of Averroes | Martin A Bertman | 8 | 115 |
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Is Hume the End? | Philip A Moritz | 8 | 122 |
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Review: The New Materialism by James K Feibleman and Ethics and Social Justice. Ed. Kiefer and Munitz | R S Downie | 8 | 131 |
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Review: The Logic of Relationship by Frederick S Johnston | John J Jenkins | 8 | 132 |
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Review: Axiomatization of the Theory of Relativity by Hans Reichenbach | G Wyllie | 8 | 133 |
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Review: John Locke: Empiricist, Atomist, Conceptualist and Agnostic by John Louis Kraus | John J Jenkins | 8 | 135 |
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Review: Max Dessoir: Aesthetics and Theory of Art. Tr. Stephen A Emery | Eva Schaper | 8 | 135 |
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VOLUME 9 - 1972 |
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High Voltage Electrical Power Transmission (The Kelvin Lecture) | Dr J S Forrest, FRS | 28 April 1971 | 9 | 1971 | 1 |
Thomas Graham 1805-69 | A C Munro | 2 December 1970 | 9 | 1970 | 30 |
Sartre’s ‘L’Existentialisme est un Humanisme’ | T Keefe | 9 | 43 |
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The Authorship and Integrity of the Poems of Hesiod | S Michaelson, A O Morton and J B Hainsworth | 9 | 61 |
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Review: The Measurement of Sensation: A Critique of Perceptual Psychophysics by C Wade | A J W | 9 | 80 |
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Review: The Case of the Midwife Toad by Arthur Koestler | John M Lenihan | 9 | 83 |
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Ship Waves and Hull Resistance | Professor J F C Conn | 15 March 1972 | 9 | 1972 | 89 |
Towards a Non-Behavioral Psychology | D F Lawden | 9 | 116 |
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On Philosophy and Relevance | T D Campbell | 9 | 130 |
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Some Conceptions of the Afterlife in Ancient Egyptian Thought | John Barclay Burns | 9 | 140 |
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Review: Modern British Philosophy by Bryan Magee | Alexander Broadie | 9 | 150 |
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Review: Roles and Values by R S Downie | Angus J McKay | 9 | 152 |
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VOLUME 10 -1973 |
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Men of Parts (The Thomas Graham Lecture) | Professor A C Kennedy | 25 October 1972 | 10 | 1972 | 3 |
Hedonism and the Ends of Life | Professor Kai Nielsen | 10 | 14 |
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The Emergence of Religious Belief - a Psychological Sketch | David G Hamilton | 10 | 27 |
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The Anderson Six Pounder Field Piece | C G Wood | 10 | 37 |
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Matthew Boulton - 18th Century Entrepreneur Par Excellence | P M Thomas | 6 December 1972 | 10 | 1972 | 55 |
Time and Distance in Telecommunications (The kelvin Lecture) | J H H Merriman | 7 March 1973 | 10 | 1973 | 71 |
A Liberated Churchman | Alan P F Sell | 10 | 85 |
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The Discovery Theory in Mathematics | James K Feibleman | 10 | 97 |
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The Glasgow Mechanics’ Institution | Roy Heydon | 10 | 107 |
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Review: Subliminal Perception: The Nature of a Controversy by N F Dixon | A J Weir | 10 | 121 |
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Review: The Development of Bertrand Russell’s Philosophy by Ronald Jager | Patrick Shaw | 10 | 123 |
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Philsophy of Physics by Mario Bunge | W K Burton | 10 | 124 |
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The Varieties of Belief by Helm, Allen and Unwin | Angus J McKay | 10 | 127 |
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