Join Us
We are always happy to welcome new members.
We are particularly keen to spread the word to young people. Full-time students and those under 25 can join for free. Tell a friend!

Members help sustain this institution while enjoying many benefits throughout the year.
Member Benefits
All members receive:
- Free admission to all talks, in-person or online
- Members-only emails with advance notice of events and programmes
- After-meeting drinks
- Access to our members-only events (charged)
- Pre-season soirée and members’ trips
- Early access to recordings of lectures
The soirée, held at the beginning of the season centres around an interesting organisation and takes place in their building of interest. The soirée includes a talk, a guided tour of the building, wine and canapes. Recent soirées have been in Fairfields, Scottish Opera, Willow Tea Rooms and Mackintosh Museum.
The Society also arranges trips to different parts of the country, visiting interesting buildings, museums, gardens etc and often meeting with other similar societies. The trips include transport, hotel accommodation and meals.
These events are very popular.
Membership Levels
Full subscription
£30 per year
For full membership of the Society
Students and under 25s
On production of matriculation card or evidence of date of birth
£25 per year
For over 65s or unemployed

Become a Member
A friendly atmosphere pervades all our lectures and events, and a complimentary drink after each lecture facilitates further animated discussion.
Get your membership form:

Support Us
To maintain regular, high quality lectures we are always looking for the support of our visitors. If you enjoyed one of our lectures, please consider donating to support our activity.