On the Oxides of BismuthProfessor Thomas Thomson, MD, FRS3 February 1841I18414
On the Melting Points of MetalsProfessor Lewis D B Gordon I184110
On the Means of Extinguishing Fires in FactoriesD Mackain MICE I184113
The Cultivation of Plants in Close CasesWilliam Gourlie I184116
On Chlorimetry and on a New Mode of Testing Weak Solutions of Bleaching PowderWalter Crum I184117
On Ventilation of the Glasgow Fever HospitalD Mackain26 January 1842I184224
Description of an Improved Tilting Apparatus, for Emptying Waggons at the Termini of Railways, Shipping Places, etc.James Thomson, FRSE, MRIA26 January 1842I184225
On the Physiology of CellsAndrew Anderson, MD9 February 1842I184228
Report on the Best Means of Supplying the Poor with Cheap and Nutritious FoodDr R D Thomson I184229
On Dynamometrical Apparatus; or the Measurement of the Mechanical Effect of Moving PowersProfessor Gordon I184241
On the Fertilization of PlantsDr Balfour8 March 1842I184243
On an Improved Method of Preparing Oxygen GasJohn Joseph Griffin8 March 1842I184244
Description of an Apparatus for Exhibiting the Formation of Water by the Combustion of Hydrogen Gas in Atmospheric AirJohn Joseph Griffin8 March 1842I184246
Notice of Divi-diviJohn Stenhouse, PhD22 March 1842I184247
On Artificial UltramarineJohn Stenhouse, PhD22 March 1842I184249
Comparative Experiments Made with Different ManuresJohn Wilson6 April 1842I184251
On the Nature and Cure of Blindness Produced by Oil of VitriolRobert D Thomson, MD20 April 1842I184252
On the Statical Relations of the GasesJohn Joseph Griffin21 April 1842I184253
Notice of Some New MineralsThomas Thomson, MD, FRS L&E, MRIA I184261
Notice of Some Recent Additions to Chemistry  I184268
On the Melting Points of Alloys of Lead, Tin, Bismuth and ZincThomas Thomson, MD, FRS I184277
Notices of Some Recent Botanical Facts  I184282
Practical Remarks on Blast SurfacesGeorge Thomson4 January 1843I184384
Experiments on Various ManuresLord Blantyre18 January 1843I184393
Results of Experiments with Manure on PotatoesDugald Dove18 January 1843I184394
Experiments with Manures on Oats and Turnips -1842William McLintock I184397
On the Manner in Which Cotton Unites with Colouring MatterWalter Crum1 February 1843I184398
On a Specimen of Artificial AsbestosF Penny PhD1 February 1843I1843104
Notice of New Zealand Minerals 1 February 1843I1843105
Notice of the Fossil Plants in the Glasgow Geological MuseumWilliam Gourlie I1843105
Section of Lanarkshire Coal FieldWilliam Murray I1843113
On the Vital Statistics of Five Large Towns of ScotlandAlexander Watt1 March 1843I1843114
Examination of the Cowdie Pine ResinRobert D Thomson MD15 March 1843I1843123
On the Fibrin Contained in Animal FluidsAndrew Buchanan MD29 March 1843I1843131
New Mode of Employing Creasote for the Preservation of Butchers’ Meat and FishJohn Stenhouse PhD12 April 1843I1843145
On the Existence of Chalk Deposits in BrazilGeorge Gardner FLS12 April 1843I1843146
Report on the State of Disease in Scotland 12 April 1843I1843153
Remarks on the Comet of March 1843William Gourlie26 April 1843I1843156
A New Kind of Charcoal Support for Blowpipe ExperimentsJohn Joseph Griffin26 April 1843I1843158
The Nutritive Power of Bread and Flour of Different CountriesRobert D Thomson, MD26 April 1843I1843163
On Coal GasThomas Thomson, MD, FRS, L&E, MRIA I1843165
On the Formation of a Friendly Society for the Professional and Mercantile ClassesWilliam Spens I1843177
On Parietin, a Yellow Colouring Matter, and on the Inorganic Food of LichensRobert D Thomson, MD I1843182
The Laws of Mortality at Different AgesAlexander Watt, LLD3 January 1844I1844193
Table of Specific Gravities of Some Crystallized SaltsJohn Adam17 January 1844I1844199
Note on the State in which Fibrin Exists in the BloodAndrew Anderson MD31 January 1844I1844200
Antarctic Minerals 31 January 1844I1844207
Note on the Measure of Impact, by Pressure or WeightProfessor L Gordon I1844208
Short Account of a Botanical Excursion to Galloway and Dumfriesshire in August, 1843J H Balfour MD I1844209
On Life InsuranceWilliam Spens13 March 1844I1844217
On the White or Opaque Serum of the BloodAndrew Buchanan MD13 March 1844I1844226
On the Impurity of Some DrugsDavid Murdoch27 March 1844I1844236
Printing for the BlindJohn Alston10 April 1844I1844239
On the Supposed Influence of the Moon Upon the WeatherWalter Crum10 April 1844I1844243
On a Theoretical Rule for the Compression of WaterDaniel MacKain, MInstCE10 April 1844I1844249
Report of Statistical Section 12 April 1844I1844256
Test of Formula for Discharge of Water Through PipesL D B Gordon12 April 1844I1844258
Description of a Steam BoilerJames Johnston12 April 1844I1844262
Notice of Excursions Made from Glasgow with Botanical Pupils during the Summer of 1843J H Balfour, MD FRSE12 April 1844I1844263
Notice of a Visit to the Island of LewisJames Smith II18441
Experiments with Manure on Potatoes and TurnipsLord Blantyre II18448
Analysis of Two Species of Epiphytes, or Air PlantsJohn Thomson II18449
Account of a Dredging Excursion in the Firth of ClydeRev David Landsborough22 January 1845II184512
Report from the Botanical Section 22 January 1845II184513
On the Acid of the Stomach, and on the Digestion of Vegetable Albumen, Fat and StarchR D Thomson MD5 February 1845II184514
Analysis of Ceradia ResinR D Thomson MD5 February 1845II184514
Report from the Botanical Section  II184515
On the Coagulation of the Blood and Other Fibriniferous LiquidsA Buchanan MD II184516
Botanical Excursion to the Mull of Cantyre or Kintyre and the Island of Islay, in August 1844J H Balfour MD II184522
On the State of the Blood After Taking FoodA Buchanan MD5 March 1845II184549
Conversational Meeting 12 March 1845II184565
On the Action of Bleaching Powder on the Salts of Copper and LeadW Crum19 March 1845II184568
On the Unemployed Lands of Great BritainG Sutherland30 April 1845II184573
Nepaul Barley 30 April 1845II184575
Report from the Botanical Section 27 May 1845II184576
Biographical Account of the Late Dr John DaltonT Thomson MD II184579
Abstract of Treasurers Account  II184588
On the Artificial Production of the Potato DiseaseW Crum II184590
On the Mode of Testing Minute Quantities of AlcoholR D Thomson MD7 January 1846II184694
On the Analysis of Some MineralsR D Thomson MD7 January 1846II184697
Reports from the Botanical Section 24 June 1845II1845100
On the Wound of the FerretA Buchanan MD4 February 1846II1846104
Theory of the Reaction Water WheelW M Buchanan1 April 1846II1846111
On Caries, or Decay of the TeethF Hay Thomson MD15 April 1846II1846131
Table, Showing the State of Education in the City of Glasgow in 1846 29 April 1846II1846134
Abstract of treasurer’s Account  II1846135
On the Chemistry of Food  II1846137
Tables of the Fall of Rain in Glasgow and Neighbourhood 13 January 1847II1847138
On the Temperature of the EarthL D B Gordon27 January 1847II1847140
Account of the Society’s Exhibition During the Christmas HolidaysA Liddell II1847145
On the Physiological Effects of the Inhalation of EtherA Buchananan MD II1847153
On the Arithmetical Calculation of the Contents of SolidsThomas Clark MD31 March 1847II1847161
On the Analysis of a Slag, from a Lime KilnJ Brown31 March 1847II1847163
On a Method for the Analysis of Bodies Containing Nitric Acid and on Explosive CottonW Crum14 April 1847II1847163
Notice of Stirling’s Air EngineWilliam Thomson21 April 1847II1847169
Mr Liddell’s Concluding Report of the Society’s Exhibition 28 April 1847II1847170
On the Chemical Composition of the Substances Employed in PotteryR A Couper28 April 1847II1847171
On the Analysis of Molydbate of LeadJohn Brown28 April 1847II1847180
On the Physiological Effects of the Inhalation of Ether (Continued from Page 161)Dr Buchanan28 April 1847II1847184
Report on the Library  II1847191
Notice of the Geology and Climate of NiceDr T Thomson II1847192
Abstract of Treasurer’s Report  II1847196
Reprt from Botanical Section  II1847197
On the Geology of the Island of ButeJ Bryce II1847198
Reprt from the Botanical Section  II1847209
On the Native Agriculture of the LewsJames Smith5 January 1848II1848210
Notes on the Proportions of the Pyramids of EgyptG A Walker Arnott19 January 1848II1848214
On the Preparation of ChloroformJ King19 January 1848II1848219
On the Fall of Rain in the Neighbourhood of Glasgow and Description of the Gorbals Gravitation Water Company’s WorksA Harvey2 February 1848II1848222
A New Self-Acting Railway BreakMr Montgomery2 February 1848II1848225
On the Mode of Preparing Manila HempT McMicking II1848226
List of Zoophytes Found in the West of ScotlandRev D Landsborough1 March 1848II1848230
History and Description of the Kelp ManufactureC F O Glassford15 March 1848II1848241
Contributions to a Sanatory Report on Glasgow 29 March 1848II1848260
Analysis of Titwood Mineral WaterE T Wood and Thomas Coutts29 March 1848II1848261
On the Composition of the Products of the Soda ManufactureJohn Brown12 April 1848II1848262
Table Exhibiting the Composition of Salt and Products of the Soda Manufacture 12 April 1848II1848282
Note on the Composition of Shea Butter and Chinese Vegetable TallowR D Thomson and Mr Wood26 April 1848II1848283
On the Yellow Prussiate of Potash CakeH B Tennent26 April 1848II1848286
Report from the Botanical Section 26 April 1848II1848291
On the Introduction of Anomalous Genera into Natural OrdersG A Walker Arnott, LLD18 April 1848II1848292
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account  III18485
On Piassava or PiacabaDr Arnott III18486
On Two New Salts of Chromic AcidArchibald Duncan Jun. III18487
On the Measurement of Heights, by Means of the Boiling Point of WaterG A Walker Arnott, LLD III18488
On the Structure of Staffa and the Giant’s CausewayJames Bryce Jun., MA, FGS3 January 1849III184919
Note on the Altered Dolomites of the Island of ButeJames Bryce Jun., MA, FGS3 January 1849III184920
Electric LightMr Glassford17 January 1849III184922
Locomotive CarriagesProfessor Gordon31 January 1849III184924
Tables of the Fall of Rain in Glasgow 14 March 1849III184926
Tables of the Fall of Rain at Greenock 29 January 1849III184927
Analysis of the YamJames Patterson29 January 1849III184930
ChloropicrineMr Stenhouse28 March 1849III184932
On the Geological Features of the District of Buchan, in AberdeenshireWilliam Ferguson11 April 1849III184933
Report from the Botanical Section 25 April 1849III184950
Account of a Botanical Excursion to the Rhinns of GallowayG A Walker Arnott, LL.D18 April 1849III184951
On a Peculiar Fibre of Cotton which is Incapable of Being DyedWalter Crum, FRS18 April 1849III184961
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account  III184965
Report of the State of Library  III184967
New Portable Smith’s Forge  III184968
Office Bearers of the Society  III184969
On Some Remarkable Effects of Lightning Observed in Moniemail, Cupar, FifeWilliam Thomson, MA III184969
On Sanitary Reform and the Use of Sewage Water of TownsJames Smith III184973
On Reinsch’s Process for the Detection of ArsenicHarry Rainy, MD III184977
On the Occurrence of Sugar in the Animal EconomyArthur Mitchell III185085
On the Parallel Roads of LochaberJames Bryce Jun., MA, FGS6 March 1850III185099
Composition of Some Fermented LiquorsJohn Wright Currie3 April 1850III1850109
The Electric TelegraphMr Mitchell3 April 1850III1850111
On the Geological Structure of the Peninsula of Rosneath, Renfrew and ArgyllJames Bryce Jun., MA, FGS17 April 1850III1850113
Observations and Experiments on the Paper ManufactureJohn Macadam17 April 1850III1850127
Botanical Report  III1849132
Biographical Account of Dr WollastonThomas Thomson, MD III1850135
Report on the State of Library  III1850145
Office Bearers of the Society  III1850146
Notice of a Marine Deposit Containing Shells, Lately Discovered in Sauchiehall StreetWilliam Fersuson III1850147
Report of the Botanical Section 5 February 1851III1851154
Notice of the Species of SalvadoraG A Walker Arnott, LL.D5 February 1851III1851155
On Copper Sheathing and the Probable Cause of its DeteriorationJames Napier, FCS5 February 1851III1851161
On the Physiological Actions of Spartine and Scoparine, with a Notice of their Chemical ConstitutionArthur Mitchell, MA, MD19 March 1851III1851173
On the Estimation of the Commercial Value of Some Specimens of Black Oxide of ManganeseGeorge William Brown19 March 1851III1851185
The Effects on Health of Inhaling the Fumes of Cynide of Potassium SolutionsJames Napier2 April 1851III1851188
Report of the Botanical Section 22 April 1851III1851192
Sketch of the Climate and Vegetation of the HimalayaThomas Thomson, MD22 April 1851III1851193
Thermometric Observations for 1850, Made at Windsor Terrace, GlasgowJames King22 April 1851III1851204
Chemical Examination of Drift Weed Kelp from OrkneyGeorge William Brown III1851208
Report of Librarian  III1851219
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account  III1851220
The Late Mr John Hart  III1851222
Office Bearers of the Society  III1851224
Notes on the Introduction of the Potato into ScotlandJohn Scouler, MD, LL.D, FLS III1851226
Remarks upon Mineral Veins and Water Worn StonesJames Napier, FCS3 March 1852III1852231
Notice of the Vinegar PlantDr R D Thomson17 March 1852III1852238
Examination of the Waters of the Dead seaRobert M Murray14 April 1852III1852242
The Force of Vapour from Saline water, as Applied to Marine EnginesPaul Cameron14 April 1852III1852246
Sketch of the Life and Labours of Dr Thomas Thomson, FRS, President of the Philosophical SocietyWalter Crum, FRS III1852250
Report of Librarian  III1852265
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account  III1852267
Office Bearers of the Society  III1852268
On the Economy of the Heating or Cooling of Buildings by Means of Currents of AirProfessor William Thomson III1852269
On VentilationMr John Ure III1852272
On the General Law of Transformation of EnergyW J Macquorn Rankine5 January 1853III1853276
On the Mechanical Values of Distributions of Electricity, Magnetism, and GalvanismProfessor William Thomson19 January 1853III1853281
On Transient Electric CurrentsProfessor William Thomson19 January 1883III1853285
Illustrations of the Utility of Watertight Compartments in Iron VesselsJ R Napier2 February 1853III1853289
Experiments on the Evaporation of Water in Copper, Iron and Lead VesselsJ R Napier2 February 1853III1853291
On the Natro-Boro-Calcite, or ‘Tiza’ of IquiqueThomas Anderson, MD III1853293
On the Acetates and Other Compounds of AluminaWalter Crum, FRS27 April 1853III1853298
Remarks Upon Sandstones used for BuildingJ Napier4 April 1853III1853313
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account  III1853325
Librarian’s Report  III1853327
Office-Bearers of the Society  III1853328
Memorial on Ordnance Survey 8 March 1854III1854331
Volumetrical Method for the Estimation of Yellow Prussiate of PotashMr Wallace19 April 1854III1854332
Damp WallsJ Napier3 May 1854III1854333
Spurious CoinsJ Napier3 May 1854III1854344
Description of an Instrument for Measuring the Velocity of Ships and CurrentsJames R Napier3 May 1854III1854350
Death of Andrew Liddell  III1854356
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account  III1854361
Office-Bearers of the Society  III1854363
Remarks on Ships’ CompassesJames R Napier24 January 1855III1855365
Note on the determination of the Magnetic Meridian at a Distance from LandJ W Macquorn Rankine, CE, FRSS, L&E24 January 1855III1855376
Note on the Approximate Determination of the Azimuth of a Star, Etc.W J Macquorn Rankine, CE, FRSS, L&E24 January 1855III1855378
Outlines of the Science of EnergeticsW J Macquorn Rankine, CE, FRSS, L&E18 April 1855III1855381
Presidents’s Address 1855Dr Allen Thomson IV18551
Office Bearers  IV18555
Abstract of Treasurer’s Accounts  IV18556
Memorial on the Ordnance Survey  IV18559
Spontaneous Fracture of Cast IronJ W Macquorn Rankine, LL.D IV185510
On Metallurgy Among the Ancient HebrewsJames Napier9 January 1856IV185611
On the Mode in Which the Water of Loch Katrine May be Obtained of Uniform Temperature at all SeasonsJames Patterson9 January 1856IV185612
On the Stability of Factory ChimneysJ W Macquorn Rankine, LL.D5 March 1856IV185614
Notice of Discovery of a New Granite Tract in ArranJames Bryce, MA, FGS19 March 1856IV185618
Report on the Low Temperatures of the Spring Months of the Year 1855James Bryce, MA, FGS16 April 1856IV185622
President’s Address 1856  IV185639
Abstract of Treasurer’s Accounts  IV185642
Metallic Iron in Trap Rock from LochwinnochDr Thomas Anderson IV185644
Office Bearers  IV185646
On the Discovery of Native Copper in the Trap Rocks Near BarrheadJames Bryce, MA, FGS IV185647
On Coal-bearing Strata in the Island of ButeJames Bryce, MA, FGS IV185649
On the Geological Relations of Certain Copper Veins Recently Discovered in ButeJames Bryce, MA, FGS IV185651
An Adaptation of the Philosophy of Newton, Leibnitz and Boscovitch to the Atomic TheoryJohn Macvicar, DD28 January 1857IV185752
On Bessemer’s Process for Manufacturing IronWilliam Cockey IV185781
On the Education of the Working Classes and the Best Means of Promoting it.George Anderson11 March 1857IV185782
On the Phenomena and Causes of the Adaptation of the Eye to Distinct Vision at Different DistancesDr Allen Thomson11 March 1857IV185793
On Some Copper and Other Metallic Ores from Tarbet on Loch LongJames Bryce, MA, FGS25 March 1857IV185796
On Some Marine Fossils Lately Found in a Quarry Within in the City of GlasgowJames Bryce, MA, FGS25 March 1857IV185797
Notice of Some Iron Ores from Nova ScotiaJames Bryce, MA, FGS26 March 1857IV185797
On a New System of SewageWalter McFarlane8 April 1857IV185799
Early History and Proceedings of the SocietyW Keddie IV1857101
Abstract of Treasurer’s Accounts  IV1857114
Early History and Proceedings of the SocietyW Keddie IV1857117
Office Bearers  IV1857129
On Certain Phenomena Connected with Rotary Motion, the Gyroscope, Precession of the Equinoxes and Saturn’s RingsEdmund Hunt IV1857130
On the Recent Progress and Present State of the Sciences of Meteorology and Terrestrial Magnetism, Part 1James Bryce, MA, FGS IV1857158
The Different Conductivity of Samples of Copper WireProfessor W Thomson13 January 1858IV1858185
On the Recent Progress of our Knowledge of the Chemical ElementsDr Thomas Anderson27 January 1858IV1858187
On Incrustations in Steam BoilersJames Napier IV1858191
On a Method of Voting at Limited Liability Companies More Uniform than the Present, and its Expression by a Mathematical FormulaJames R Napier IV1858199
Additional Notes on Rotary MotionEdmund Hunt24 March 1858IV1858201
Report on the Progress and State of Applied MechanicsJames R Napier, Walter Neilson, W J Macquorn Rankine, LL.D7 April 1858IV1858207
Recent Acquisitions Made by Russia at the Expense of the Chinese Territory of Manchooria, with Some Account of the River AmoorW G Blackie, PH.D, FRGS21 April 1858IV1858231
President’s Address, 1859  IV1859249
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account  IV1859250
Office Bearers  IV1859251
Periodical Printing of Proceedings  IV1859252
On the Cinephantic Colour TopEdmund Hunt IV1859252
Notes on a Visit to Iceland in the Summer of 1859David Mackinlay IV1859259
Recent Investigations of M Le Verrier on the Motion of MercuryWilliam Thomson, MA, LL.D, FRS IV1859263
On Photographed Images of Electric SparksProfessor William Thomson IV1859266
Note on the Bursting of the Reservoirs of Crinan CanalWilliam Keddie IV1859267
Election of Honorary Members 4 January 1860IV1860271
On the Variation of the Periodic Times of the Earth and Inferior Planets, Produced by Matter Falling into the SunProfessor William Thomson4 January 1860IV1860272
On Instruments and Methods for Observing ElectricityProfessor William Thomson4 January 1860IV1860274
On Incrustations of Boilers Using Sea WaterJames R Napier18 January 1860IV1860282
On the Density of SteamW J Macquorn Rankine, LL.D, FRS IV1860285
Observations on Sensations Experienced While Climbing the More Elevated Mountains of the Andes in Peru and BoliviaMathie Hamilton, MD1 February 1860IV1860287
On Spots on the SunRobert Hart1 February 1860IV1860292
Observations on the Supply of Coal and Ironstone, from the Mineral Fields of the West of ScotlandWilliam Moore1 February 1860IV1860292
Remarks on Glass PaintingC Heath Wilson IV1860309
On the Incrustation of Marine BoilersWilliam Wallace, PhD, FCS7 March 1860IV1860317
On Electrical Discharges in Rarefied MediaDr Wallace7 March 1860IV1860320
On Trap Dykes, between Cordon and South End of Whiting Bay, ArranJames Napier21 March 1860IV1860321
On the Force of the Voltaic CurrentGeorge Blair, MA21 March 1860IV1860324
Historical Notes of Copper SmeltingDr Francis H Thomson4 April 1860IV1860325
On a New Process of Ornamenting GlassJames Napier18 April 1860IV1860345
On the Spinal Cord and NervesAllen Thomson, MD, FRS18 April 1860IV1860348
On the Distribution and Probable Origin of the Petroleum or Rock Oil, of Western Pennsylvania, New York and OhioHenry D Rogers, FRS, Hon. FRSE, FGS2 May 1860IV1860355
On the Ageing of Mordants in Calico PrintingWalter Crum, FRS IV1859360
Abstract of Proceedings of Session 1858-59  IV1859362
The Late William Murray Esq. of Monkland  IV1859362
On Some Points in the Chemistry of Sugar RefiningDr William Wallace4 May 1859IV1859367
President’s AddressDr Anderson V18601
Fossil Rain Markings and Fucoid Impressions on Sandstone Near NewtonardsJames Bryce, LL.D FGS V18604
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account for Session 1859-60  V18605
Office Bearers 1860-61  V18606
On the Geological Structure of Ben-NevisDr Bryce V18606
On the Relations of Deposits of Common Salt to ClimateHenry D Rogers, FRS, Hon. FRSE, FGS V18607
Notes on a Tour in Iceland in 1959David Mackinlay V186010
On the Motion of the Strings of a ViolinProfessor H Helmholz V186017
Some Results in Electro-Magnetism, Obtained with the Balance GalvanometerGeorge Blair, MA16 January 1861V186121
Remarks Upon the Fall of Rain in the Districts Supplying Glasgow with WaterJames M Gale, CE30 January 1861V186129
Report of the Temperature and Rainfall etc., of the Year 1860, Observed at Cessnock ParkRobert Hart30 January 1861V186135
On the Stalactitic Sulphate of Barytes Found in DerbyshireWalter Crum, FRS V186139
On Street RailwaysT Currie Gregory, CE V186141
Notes on a Journey Across the Cordilleras of the Andes from the Coast of the Pacific Ocean to ChquisacaMathie Hamilton, MD V186151
On the Uses of the Antennae of Corystes Cassivelaunus, the masked CrabDavid Robertson13 March 1861V186155
On the Origin of CyclonesProfessor H D Rogers13 March 1861V186157
On Explosions of Fire-damp in Coal MinesMark Fryar, FGS27 March 1861V186161
On the Whin Floats and Dykes of AyrshireJohn Goodall27 March 1861V186171
On an Apparatus for Indicating the Proportion of Fire-damp in the Atmosphere of Coal MinesJohn Taylor, MD10 April 1861V186175
A Method of Increasing the Efficiency of Watertight Bulkheads in Iron Ships and of Rendering them Available as a Means of Preventing Destruction by FireJohn Taylor, MD24 April 1861V186180
Notice of a Series of Osteological Specimens, Illustrating Contrasts and Deviations From the Common Type of the MammaliaDr Allen Thomson24 April 1861V186182
President’s Address, Session 1861-62Professor Rankine V186183
Absract of Treasurer’s Account 1860-61  V186190
Office Bearers 1861-62  V186190
On Accidents by Fire from the Prevailing Use of CrinolineFrancis H Thomson, MD V186192
Effects of the Frost of December 1860, in the Vale of ClydePeter Clark V186199
On the Geolgical Structure of the Ben Nevis Group of MountainsJames Bryce, LL.D FGS15 January 1862V1862104
On the Flora and Climate of the Island of CumbraeWilliam Keddie15 January 1862V1862105
On the Distribution of Marine Algae on the C.L.T. Buoys in the ClydeJhn Grieve, MA, MD, and David Robertson15 January 1862V1862121
On the Use of Mechanical Hypothesis in Science and Especially in the Theory of HeatW J Macquorn Rankine, LL.D, FRS15 January 1862V1862126
On Co-operative Societies in GlasgowJohn D Campbell V1862133
Joint Address of Condolence to the Queen on the Death of Prince Albert  V1862140
Mechanical Theory of the Predominance of the Right Hand over the LeftAndrew Buchanan, MD12 March 1862V1862142
On a New Instrument for Measuring Electric Resistance in Absolute UnitsWilliam Thomson, LL.D, FRS26 March 1862V1862167
On the Rigidity of the EarthWilliam Thomson, LL.D, FRS26 March 1862V1862169
On the Landslip and Movement of the Moss in Auchengray Estate, Slamannan, on 12th and 15th August 1861Thmas Gibb23 April 1862V1862170
Notes on Dyeing and Dyed Coulours in Ancient TimesJames Napier, FCS23 April 1862V1862175
President’s Address, Session 1862-63Professor Rankine V1862199
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account for session 1861-62  V1862208
Office Bearers, 1862-63  V1862208
Black and Clayband Ironstones; Their Composition and ValuationJames Napier V1862210
On Sections of Least Resistance for Ships of Limited Breadth and Limited Draft of WaterJames Robert Napier V1862217
The Government Scheme for Aiding Instruction in ScienceJohn Mayer V1863222
On the Chemistry of Coal-tar ColoursC Greville Williams, FRS25 March 1863V1863232
On PiscicultureGeorge Anderson8 April 1863V1863233
On the Recent Discovery of the Remains of a Cetacean in the Banks of the River IrvineRev Henry Crosskey22 April 1863V1863243
On the Tertiary Coal of Borneo, Sarawak, with a sectionJames Russell22 April 1863V1863246
History of the Invention of the Optical Illusion Called the “Ghost”Dr John Taylor V1863255
On the Utlilisation of SeaweedEdward Alfred Wunsch V1863260
Memoir of the Glasgow Cathedral WindowsC Heath Wilson V1864271
A Practical Application of DialysisAlexander Whitelaw V1864293
Notes on the Determination of the Time at the Observatory of the Glasgow UniversityProfessor Grant9 March 1864V1864300
Remarks on the Great Lakes Titicaha and Aullaga in Upper Peru and BoliviaMathie Hamilton, MD23 March 1864V1864314
On the Prevention of Smoke, and the Means Adopted by the Authorities of Glasgow for its SuppressionWilliam Gorman20 April 1864V1864321
On a Section of Glacial Clay at Errol, PerthshireRev Henry Crosskey20 April 1864V1864329
Minutes  V1863332
Abstract of Treasurer’s Accounts, Session 1862-63  V1863333
Office Bearers for 1863-64  V1863334
Report on Patent laws  V1863336

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