Feeling and Perception of RelationHenry Muirhead, MD, President XVI18841
The Proper Motions of the StarsRobert Grant, LLD, FRS XVI188422
On the First Editions of the Chemical Writings of Democritus and SynesiusJohn Ferguson, MA XVI188436
On the Composition of Ocean WaterW Dittmar, FRSS XVI188447
The Regulation of the Water Supply to Cities and TownsWilliam Key XVI188474
On a Shadowless Gas VentilatorGeorge A Buchanan9 January 1885XVI188589
African Colonies and Colonization, with Notices of recent AnnexationsJ E Carlisle7 January 1885XVI188594
Memoir of Mr James Napier 21 January 1885XVI1885172
On a New Musical InstrumentThomas Machell21 January 1885XVI1885185
Description of a New Rotiferon, Male and FemaleW Milne, MA, BSc4 February 1885XVI1885188
A Theory of Storm TravelP Alexander, MA XVI1885194
National and Local Precautions Against CholeraJames Christie, AM, MD21 January 1885XVI1885203
On an Air or Gas Thermometer, Suitable for Measuring Temperatures out of the Range of Mercurial or Alcohol ThermometersJ J Coleman, FCS, FIC4 March 1885XVI1885220
An Account of Some Experiments on the Effects of Very Low Temperatures on the Putrefactive Process, and on Some Vital PhenomenaJ J Coleman, FCS, FIC and John G M’Kendrick, MD, LLD, FRS4 March 1885XVI1885223
On the Liquifaction of Atmospheric Air and Other Effects of Extreme Cold; and on Artificial Light and Other Phenomena of High TemperatureJ J Coleman, FCS, FIC18 March 1885XVI1885232
Address to the Architectural SectionJames Sellars, IA XVI1884245
Egyptian ObelisksT L Patterson, FIC,FCS4 February 1885XVI1885266
On the First Editions of the Chemical Writings of Democritus and SynesiusProfessor Ferguson XVI1885287
On Producing Cast Steel or Ingot Iron from Crude or Pig IronWilliam Gorman15 April 1885XVI1885289
On the Heat-Restoring Gas Furnace and Heating by RadiationWilliam Gorman15 April 1885XVI1885297
An Enquiry into the Necessity for Legislative Reform in Scotland in Regard to Uncertified DeathsJohn Glaister, MB, FFPSG29 April 1885XVI1885305
On Manure Poisoning, with Suggestions for the Prevention of the Pollution of Wells in Agricultural DistrictsEben. Duncan, MD, FFPSG29 April 1885XVI1885328
On the Form of the Human Skull at Different Ages and in Different NationalitiesJohn Clelland, MD, LLD26 March 1885XVI1885341
Reports of Sections  XVI 353
Minutes of Session  XVI 358
Annual Report of Council for 1883-84  XVI 360
Abstract of the Treasurer’s Account for 1883-84  XVI 362
Report of the Library Committee  XVI 364
List of Office-Bearers of Society  XVI 381
List of Members of Committees Appointed by the Council  XVI 282
List of Office-Bearers of Sections  XVI 383
Additions to the Library  XVI 385
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made  XVI 388
List of Periodicals  XVI 391
List of Members for 1884-85  XVI 393
Inventory of Property Belonging to the Society  XVI 405
Index  XVI 409
On Ferran’s Anti-Cholera InnoculationCharles Cameron, MD, LL.D, MP XVII18851
South Africa and the AfricandersArthur Kay XVII188517
On the Verification of Traditions Regarding the First Peopling of Certain Islands in the South PacificGeorge A Turner, MD, CM XVII188532
Telephone Exchanges and How They are WroughtD Sinclair XVII188539
New Discovery of Rich Cannel Coal Near BathgateJohn Mayer XVII188550
The Rainfall of the British IslandsAlexander Buchan, MA XVII188554
The Present Position of the Museum and Art Galleries of GlasgowBailie James Hunter Dickson and James Paton, FLS3 February 1886XVII188664
On Technical Education from an Architectural Point of ViewWilliam Landless XVII188578
China’s Northern Dependencies and Colonial PossessionsJohn Dudgeon, MD, CM27 January 1886XVII188692
On the Defectiveness of the Eye Spot as a Means of Generic Distinction in the Philodinaea, with a Description of Two Other RotiferaWilliam Milne, MA, BSc3 February 1886XVII1886134
Description of a New Signal for River Piers and RailwaysGeorge S Buchanan3 March 1886XVII1886146
On an Electric Safety Lamp for MinersJoseph W Swan, MA XVII1886151
Observations on the Early Guilds of Merchants and CraftsmenJames D Marwick, LL.D, FRSE17 March 1886XVII1886159
Note on the Australian Aboriginies being Exhibited in Glasgow in March 1886John Glaister, MD, FFPSG3 March 1886XVII1886182
On Birds with Supernumerary Legs and on Abcaudal Fisssion and Ancephalus, with Biological ReflectionsProfessor John Cleland, MD, LL.D, DSc, FRS3 February 1886XVII1886192
On a New Form of GalvanometerProfessor James Blyth, MA, FRSE XVII1886204
The First History of ChemistryJohn Ferguson, MA6 January 1886XVII1886206
Enquiry into the Effects of Loud Sounds Upon the Hearing of Boilermakers and Others who Work Amid Noisy SurroundingsThomas Barr, MD3 March 1886XVII1886223
The Riches of the SeaC A Salstrom17 March 1886XVII1886240
The Epidemic History of Glasgow During the Century 1783-1883John Glaister, MD,14 April 1886XVII1886259
On an Automatic Photo-Printing MachineJohn Urie14 April 1886XVII1886293
On the Tribe of Beqa’s Alleged Power of Walking Through FireRobert Blyth, CA28 April 1886XVII1886297
On the Relative Merits of Tile and Cast-Iron Drain PipesGilbert Thomson. MA, CE28 April 1886XVII1886301
The Physical and Biological Conditions of the Seas and Estuaries About North BritainJohn Murray, PhD, VPRSE31 March 1886XVII1886306
Hermaphroditic Malformation of the External Genital Organs of the Female, with Remarks Upon the so-called “Transverse Hermaphroditism”John Yule Mackay, MD12 May 1886XVII1886334
Genito-Urinary Malformations Consequent on Pelvic DeformitiesJohn Yule Mackay, MD12 May 1886XVII1886340
The Arterial System of the ChamaeleonJohn Yule Mackay, MD12 May 1886XVII1886353
The Arteries of the Head and Neck and the Rete Mirablile of the Porpoise (Phocoena Communis)John Yule Mackay, MD12 May 1886XVII1886366
On the Morphology of the Cervical Articular Pillars, and on a Lock Limiting Extension of the NeckR Bruce Young, MA, MB, CM12 May 1886XVII1886377
On Development and Abnormal Arrangement of the IntestineR Bruce Yung, MA, MB, CM12 May 1886XVII1886385
On the Lucigen: a New Industrial LightJ B Hannay, FRSE18 April 1886XVII1886393
Reports of Sections  XVII 404
Minutes of Session  XVII 410
Annual Report of Council for 1884-85  XVII 413
Abstract of Treasurer’s Accounts for 1884-85  XVII 141
Account of Graham Medal and Lecture Fund  XVII 416
Report of the Library Committee  XVII 420
Office-Bearers of the Society  XVII 440
Committees Appointed by the Council  XVII 441
Office Bearers of Sections  XVII 442
Additions to the Library  XVII 445
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are Made  XVII 449
List of Periodicals Received  XVII 452
List of Members for 1885-86  XVII 454
Inventory of Property Belonging to the Society  XVII 466
Index  XVII 467
On the Development of the Marine EngineHenry Dyer, CE, MA XVIII18861
On Abbe’s Apochromatic Micro-Objectives and Compensating Eye-PiecesAdolf Schulze XVIII188628
On Preliminary Experiments on the Effects of Percussion in Changing the Magnetic Moments of Steel MagnetsWilliam Brown XVIII188641
On a New Tentaculiferous Protozoon and Other InfusoriaWilliam Milne, MA, BSc,FRSE XVIII188648
On the Manners and Customs of Some of the Tribes of New GuineaRev James Chalmers XVIII188657
Report from the Conference of Delegates of Corresponding Societies at the Birmingham Meeting of the British AssociationHenry Muirhead XVIII188670
On the Progress of Technical Education, with Special Reference to the Glasgow Weaving CollegeDavid Sandeman XVIII188673
On Coal-gas and the Coal Question, in its Bearings on the Illuminating Power of GasWilliam Key XVIII188687
Notes on the Bursting of Leaden Service Pipes by Water and FrostGeorge C Thomson, FCS5 January 1887XVIII1887102
On Geographical Alto-Relievo Models, and their Place in EducationWilliam Martin2 February 1887XVIII1887108
Graham Lecture: On Certain Modern Developments of Graham’s Ideas Concerning the Constitution of MatterT E Thorpe, PhD, BSc, VP, CS, FRS16 March 1887XVIII1887118
An Examination of the Report of the Royal Commission on Depression of Trade (Inaugural Address of Economic Science Section)Charles Gairdner2 March 1887XVIII1887133
On the Aboriginal Australian, as he wasAthur Kay2 February 1887XVIII1887146
Note on a Class of Definite IntegralsGeorge A Gibson, MA3 February 1887XVIII1887167
Some Minor Rights of Land OwnershipArchibald Ferguson XVIII1887170
On Liquid DiffusionJ J Coleman, FIC, FCS, FRSE16 March 1887XVIII1887196
On the Gothic Version of the Gospels by Bishop Ulfilas and its Value in the Study of LanguageJames Colville, MA, DSc4 May 1887XVIII1887207
On Approximate Formulae for the Motion of ProjectilesPeter Alexander, MA XVIII1886237
How to Use the Polariscope in the Practical Determination of Internal Stress and StrainPeter Alexander, MA3 February 1887XVIII1887242
On a Double Chain of Electrical Measuring Instruments to Measure CurrentsSir William Thomson, FRS20 April 1887XVIII1887249
On the Reform of our Present Methods of Disposal of the DeadEben. Duncan, MD27 April 1887XVIII1887257
On the late Robert Gray, VP, RSEJ B Murdoch, FRPhSE4 May 1887XVIII1887279
On the Reducing Action of Hydrogen in the Presence of PlatinumStephen Cooke, FCS4 May 1887XVIII1887284
Note on the Action of Electric Sparks in Mixtures of Nitric Oxide with Hydrogen and Other Inflammable GasesStephen Cooke, FCS4 May 1887XVIII1887294
Note on the Decomposition of Nitric Oxide in Water and Alkaline SolutionsStephen Cooke, FCS4 May 1887XVIII1887299
On the Arterial System of Vertebrates Homologically ConsideredJohn Mackay, MD30 March 1887XVIII1887302
Note on the Morphological Peculiarity of Cordyline AustralisProfessor F O Bower, DSc, FLS30 March 1897XVIII1887317
On Humbolditia Lauriflia (Vahl), as a Myrmekophilous PlantProfessor F O Bower, DSc, FLS30 March 1887XVIII1887320
On Biological Teaching In Germany and in this CountryJ H Fullerton, MA, BSc4 May 1887XVIII1887327
On the Physical Conditions of the Water in the Clyde Sea-AreaHugh Robert Mill, DSc, FRSE, FCS XVIII1887332
Introduction of Sea Water into GlasgowJohn Anderson2 March 1887XVIII1887357
On Foulis’ Gas Fire: A New Departure in Using Gaseous Fuel for Domestic Purposes 5 January 1887XVIII1887365
On Experimental Research on the Artificial Cultivation of Vaccine LymphNeil Carmichael, MD19 January 1887XVIII1887369
Automatic Electrical Lighting of TrainsThomas P Carswell, CE13 April 1887XVIII1887391
Reports of Sections  XVIII 397
Minutes of Session  XVIII 404
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account for 1885-86  XVIII 406
Account of Graham Medal and Lecture Fund  XVIII 408
Annual Report of Council for 1885-86  XVIII 409
Report of the Library Committee  XVIII 412
Office-Bearers of the Society  XVIII 432
Committees Appointed by the Council  XVIII 433
Office-Bearers of Sections  XVIII 434
Additions to the Library  XVIII 437
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made  XVIII 441
List of Periodicals Received  XVIII 444
List of Members of 1886-87  XVIII 446
Inventory of Property Belonging to the Society  XVIII 458
Index  XVIII 459
President’s Address – On Some Socialogical Aspects of SanitationJames B Russell, MA, MD, LL.D XIX18871
Factory Industry and SocialismWilliam Smart, MA XIX188722
The Technical Schools (Scotland) Act, 1887, and Some of its Relations to Elementary and Higher EducationHenry Dyer, CE, MA XIX188746
On the Modern Cell Theory, and the Phenomena of FecundationJohn Gray M’Kendrick, MD, LL.D, FRS. FRSE, FRCPE XIX188771
Some Early Treatises on Technological ChemistryJohn Ferguson, MA6 January 1886XIX1886126
The Heeling Error of the Compass in Iron ShipsWilliam Bottomley11 January 1888XIX1888160
Public Museums as Aids in TeachingJames Colville, MA, DSc11 January 1888XIX1888164
On the Training of Architectural StudentsFrancis H Newberry XIX1887176
“Greek Thomson”Thomas Gildard30 January 1888XIX1888191
Early Sculpture in ScotlandRobert Brydall XIX1888210
On the River Plate SystemJohn Galloway7 March 1888XIX1888226
Biographical Notice of the late Dr Andrew FergusEben Duncan, MD XIX1887245
On the Spread of Enteric Fever and Possibly Diptheria, in Rural Districts, by the Use of City Manure for Agricultural Purposes (Abstract)David Pryde4 April 1888XIX1888254
Some Important Points in the Sanitary Work of a Great CityPeter Fyfe11 April 1888XIX1888257
On a New Composite Electric BalanceSir William Thomson, FRS4 February 1888XIX1888273
The Constitution and Course of the Money MarketCharles Gairdner XIX1888275
On the Measurement of Electric Currents by the Electrolytic Deposition of CopperAndrew W Meikle XIX1888291
On Noxious Vapours and Town Smoke, with Suggestions on House WarmingAlfred E Fletcher, FCS, FIS25 January 1888XIX1888297
A Set of New Ring-off Instruments for Telephone Exchanges, &cD Sinclair XIX1887308
On Some of the Social and Economical Aspects of the Land Question in WalesHenry Jones, MA4 April 1888XIX1888310
American CurrencyAndrew S M’Clelland, CA6 February 1888XIX1888324
On an Improved Form of SeismographThomas Gray, BSc, FRSE XIX1888330
A Demonstration in Bacteriology, Illustrative of the Mode of Growth and Cultivation of Micro-organisms Found in Air, Earth and WaterA Ernest Maylard, BS, MB25 March 1888XIX1888342
The Dulcitone; a New and Portable Musical InstrumentThomas Machell2 May 1888XIX1888360
On the Application of Wind Power to the Generation and Storage of ElectricityProfessor James Blyth, MA, FRSE2 May 1888XIX1888363
On the Electrical Resistance of Slate and Marble and Other Materials, With Reference to their Use in Electric Light FittingsThomas Sheilds, MA2 May 1888XIX1888365
Report of the Society’s Representative at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College 2 May 1888XIX1888373
Report of the Delegate to the British Association – Manchester, 1887 2 May 1888XIX1888374
Reports of Sections 2 May 1888XIX1888377
Memoir of Mr David SandemanHenry Dyer, CE, MA XIX 383
Minutes of Session  XIX1887387
Annual Report of Council for 1886-87  XIX 388
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account for 1886-87  XIX 392
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund – Treasurer’s Account  XIX 394
Report of the Library Committee  XIX 395
Memorial on Burial Reform to H. M. Secretary for Scotland  XIX 410
Office-Bearers of the Society  XIX 414
Committees Appointed by the Council  XIX 415
Office-Bearers of Sections  XIX 416
Additions to the Library  XIX 419
Books Bought  XIX 421
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made  XIX 423
List of Periodicals Received  XIX 426
List of Members for 1887-88  XIX 428
Inventory of Property Belonging to the Society  XIX 440
Index  XIX 441
President’s Address – On the “Ticketed Houses” of Glasgow, with an Interrogation of the Facts for Guidance Towards the Ameloriation of the Lives of their OccupantsJames B Russell, BA, MD, LL.D, XX18881
Sanitary and Social ProblemsJohn Honeyman, FRIBA XX188825
Memoir of the late James Sellars, ArchitectA Lindsay Miller XX188840
Rotifer as a Parasite or Tube-dwellerWilliam Milne, MA, BSc, FRSE XX188848
The Eastman Stripping Film and Roller Slide: a Recent Development in Scientific PhotographyWilliam Lang, jun., FCS XX188854
The Movements of the Joints of the Knuckles and Balls of the ToesProfessor Cleland, MD, LL.D, FRS XX188862
The Training of ArchitectsHenry Dyer, CE, MA4 February 1889XX188966
Fisheries in Relation to General Civilisation and ProgressW Anderson Smith23 January 1889XX188987
Primitive Aryan CivilisationJames Colville, MA, DSc XX188897
On the Detection of Mural Pores in the Genus AlveolitesJames Thomson, FGS XX1888116
Multiplex Telephony on Long LinesD Sinclair6 February 1889XX1889128
Agricultural Education in this Country and Abroad, with Special Reference to GermanyC M Aikman, MA, BSc, FRSE6 February 1889XX1889133
Electro-Magnetic Method of Measuring the Magnetic Constants of the Earth’s FieldA Tankadate, BSc XX1889155
On Present Tendencies in Classical StudiesProfessor R C Jebb, MA, LL.D, XX1889168
Land Ownership in ScotlandRobert T Younger, MA, LL.B XX1888177
A Scheme of Cremation Suited to the Requirements of GlasgowJames Chalmers, IA5 January 1889XX1889193
On the Acoustics of Musical SoundsJames Kerr Love1 May 1889XX1889196
On Mutual GablesJames Howatt, IM18 March 1889XX1889213
Proposal for Securing Uniformity of Action in the Exclusion from Day Schools of Children Coming from Families Affected with Contagious DiseasesDr James Finlayson3 April 1889XX1889216
The Wiring of Buildings for Electric LightJ D F Andrews20 March 1889XX1889225
The Garnethill Scarlet Fever Epidemic: a Microscopical Investigation Regarding its CauseDr Neil Carmichael3 April 1889XX1889234
Chile – its Present Position and Future ProspectsJohn C Rogers23 January 1889XX1889240
An Examination of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Recent Changes in the Relative Values of Gold and Silver, with Remarks on Bi-metallismCharles Gairdner XX1889264
State Purchase of Land in IrelandMark Davidson, MA, LL.B12 March 1889XX1889281
The Science of Ventilation as Applied to Inhabited Interiors (Abstract)D G Hoey6 March 1889XX1889305
On House Drains Without Ventilation (Abstract)John Honeyman, FRIBA6 March 1889XX1889309
Proposed Scheme for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of the Sewage of Glasgow (Abstract)D M Nelson20 March 1889XX1889311
Biographical Notice of the late Dr William WallaceJohn Mayer9 January 1889XX1889314
Biographical Notice of the late Edward Maxwell Dixon, BScJohn G Kerr, MA1 May 1889XX1889322
Joseph J ColemanDr M’Kendrick and John Mayer XX1889328
Reports of Sections 1 May 1889XX1889332
Report of Delegate to the British Association – Bath, 1888 1 May 1889XX1889339
Proposed Capitalising of Life Members’ Subscriptions  XX 341
Minutes of Session  XX 343
Annual Report of Council for 1887-88  XX 344
Report of Library Committee  XX 347
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account for 1887-88  XX 348
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund – Treasurer’s Account  XX 350
Office-Bearers of the Society  XX 362
Committees Appointed by the Council  XX 363
Office-Bearers of Sections  XX 364
Additions to the Library  XX 367
Books Bought  XX 368
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made  XX 369
List of Periodicals Received  XX 373
List of Members for 1888-89  XX 375
Inventory of Property Belonging to the Society  XX 387

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