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VOLUME XXI | | | | | |
| | | | | |
President’s Address – Sanitation and Social Economics; an Object Lesson | James B Russell, BA, MD, LL.D | | XXI | 1889 | 1 |
Electrification Air by Combustion | Magnus Maclean, MA, FRSE and Makita Goto | | XXI | 1889 | 22 |
Note on Nerve Cells | William Snodgrass, MA, MB | 5 February 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 30 |
On the Relationships which the Perihelia of Comets Bear to the Sun’s Line of Flight in Space | Henry Muirhead, MD, LL.D | 5 February 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 33 |
On Fiji: Past and Present | James Blyth | 28 April 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 37 |
On Some Consideration of Asia Minor and its Ethnology | Rev. Hugh Callan, MA | 28 April 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 51 |
Graham Lecture – On the Basicity of Acids | A Crum Brown, MA, MD, DSc, FRS, FRSE, FCS, FIC | 5 March 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 69 |
On the Conversion of Ordinary Gas Shades into Regenerative Lamps | Daniel R Gardner | | XXI | 1889 | 92 |
The Territorial Expansion of the British Empire During the Last Ten Years | Thomas Muir, LL.D | | XXI | 1889 | 98 |
Note on the Alteration of the Index of Refraction of Water with Temperature | George E Allan | 5 February 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 126 |
On Horticulture, Villa Gardening and Open Spaces in Large Centres of Industry | D M’Lellan | | XXI | 1890 | 128 |
Notes on the Hydrostatic Arrangements in the Horse’s Hoof | T F Macdonald, MB | | XXI | 1890 | 138 |
On Public Lighting by Electricity | Henry A Mavor | 19 March 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 142 |
Cyanotype Reproductions of Seaweeds | William Lang, jun., FCS | | XXI | 1889 | 155 |
On Club Mosses, Past and Present | F O Bower, DSc, FLS | 30 April 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 158 |
On the Reclamation of Waste Lands in the Clyde Estuary, Considered in Relation to the Disposal of the Sewage of Glasgow | Alexander Frew, CE | | XXI | 1889 | 173 |
Glimpses into Teutonic Antiquity | Professor Georg Fiedler, PhD | 8 January 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 189 |
On Electrical Oscillations | Oliver J Lodge, DSc, LL.D, FRS | 16 April 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 216 |
Report of Sections | | 30 April 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 225 |
Report of Delegate of British Association Meeting – Newcastle, 1889 | | 30 April 1890 | XXI | 1890 | 229 |
Minutes of Session | | | XXI | | 232 |
Annual Report of Council – Session 1888-89 | | | XXI | | 233 |
Report of Library Committee | | | XXI | | 235 |
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account for 1888-89 | | | XXI | | 236 |
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund – Treasurer’s Account | | | XXI | | 238 |
Science Lectures Association Fund – Treasurer’s Account | | | XXI | | 239 |
Office-Bearers of the Society | | | XXI | | 252 |
Committees Appointed by the Council | | | XXI | | 253 |
Office-Bearers of Sections | | | XXI | | 254 |
Additions to the Library | | | XXI | | 257 |
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made | | | XXI | | 260 |
List of Periodicals Received | | | XXI | | 264 |
List of Members for 1889-90 | | | XXI | | 266 |
Index | | | XXI | | 278 |
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VOLUME XXII | | | | | |
| | | | | |
President’s Address – On Some of the Problems of Modern Physiology | John G M’Kendrick, MD, LL.D | | XXII | 1890 | 1 |
Memoir of Henry Muirhead, MD, LL.D | Henry Dyer, MA, DSc, CE | | XXII | 1890 | 22 |
A Problem in Ventilation by Heat | W P Buchan | | XXII | 1890 | 31 |
On the Gravimetric Composition of Water | W Dittmar, LL.D, FRS, FRSE, and J B Henderson | | XXII | 1890 | 33 |
Chronological Tables of Scientific Men, Showing the Names of the More Distinguished Anatomists and Physiologists and their Contemporaries | John G M’Kendrick, MD, LL.D, FRSS | | XXII | 1890 | 87 |
The Oyster Fishery of Scotland | J H Fullarton, MA, DSc | 7 January 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 110 |
An Art Museum: Its Structural Requirments | James Paton, FLS | | XXII | 1891 | 128 |
The Relations of Thomas Carlyle to Political Economy | James Bonar | | XXII | 1890 | 139 |
On Language | F Max Muller, MA | 21 January 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 157 |
Iceland: Some Sociological and Other Notes | Professor James Mavor | 4 February 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 174 |
Some Experiments on the Viscosity of Air | James Erskine Murray | | XXII | 1890 | 199 |
On the Physiological Action of Carbon Monoxide of Nickel | John G M’Kendrick, MD, FRS and William Snodgrass, MA, MB | 29 April 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 204 |
The Progress of Sanitation, with Special Reference to the Sanitary Condition of our Public Schools (Summary) | W P Buchan | | XXII | 1891 | 217 |
An Inquiry into the Nature of Heredity | William Wallace, MA, MB, CM, LDS | 1 April 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 227 |
The Anglo-Saxon Poem of Beowulf in the Light of Present Studies | Charles Annandale, MA, LL.D | 29 April 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 240 |
Some Electrical Properties of Flames | Magnus Maclean, MA, FRSE and Makita Goto | | XXII | 1891 | 255 |
The Great Winter: A Chapter in Geology | Dougald Bell | 15 April 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 261 |
Giphantie: A Remarkable Forecast of Photography in 1760 | William Lang, jun., FCS | | XXII | 1890 | 284 |
The Optical Lantern in Class-room Work | Archibald Barr, DSc, M Inst CE | 18 March 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 287 |
Remarks on the First Edition of the Chemical Writings of Democritus and Syesius, Part II | John Ferguson, LL.D, FRSE, FSA | | XXII | 1890 | 295 |
The Meteorological Results of the “Challenger” Expedition in Relation to Physical Geography | Alexander Buchan, MA, LL.D | 29 April 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 305 |
Memoir of the late Mr Alexander Whitelaw | | 15 April 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 311 |
Abstracts of Professor Blyth’s Communications | | | XXII | | 315 |
Reports of Sections | | 29 April 1891 | XXII | 1891 | 316 |
Minutes of Session | | | XXII | | 320 |
Report of Council for Session 1889-90 | | | XXII | | 321 |
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1889-90 | | | XXII | | 324 |
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account | | | XXII | | 326 |
Science Lectures Association Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account | | | XXII | | 327 |
Report of the Library Committee | | | XXII | | 328 |
Office-Bearers of the Society | | | XXII | | 340 |
Committees Appointed by the Council | | | XXII | | 341 |
Office-Bearers of Sections | | | XXII | | 342 |
Additions to the Library | | | XXII | | 345 |
Books Purchased – 1890-91 | | | XXII | | 348 |
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made | | | XXII | | 349 |
List of Periodicals Received | | | XXII | | 355 |
List of Members for 1890-91 | | | XXII | | 357 |
Index | | | XXII | | 369 |
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| | | | | |
VOLUME XXIII | | | | | |
| | | | | |
Presidential Address – Human Muscle as a Transformer of Energy | John G M’Kendrick, MD,LL.D, FRS | | XXIII | 1891 | 1 |
On Limes and Cements | Alexander M’Ara | | XXIII | 1891 | 24 |
How Our Bones Grow | John Cleland, MD, DSc, FRS | | XXIII | 1891 | 55 |
The Scientific Cultivation of the Senses | W Anderson Smith | 20 January 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 67 |
The Sewage Problem in Villages and Small Towns | Gilbert Thomson, MA, CE | 30 March 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 76 |
Women’s Wages | William Smart, MA | | XXIII | 1891 | 87 |
Progress of School Building in Glasgow | John M’Math | | XXIII | 1891 | 106 |
The Rural Economy of Scotland in the Time of Burns | James Colville, MA, DSc | 16 March 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 120 |
On the First Edition of the Chemical Writings of Democritus and Synesius. Part III | Professor John Ferguson, MA, LL.D, FSA, FCS | | XXIII | 1891 | 153 |
The Origin of the Faust Legend | Alexander Tille, PhD | | XXIII | 1892 | 168 |
On Telephone Switchboards: being Principally a Description of the New Telephone Exchange, Glasgow | William Aitken | 27 April 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 185 |
Warming and Ventilation of Public Buildings, With or Without Motive Power | J D Sutcliffe | 18 January 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 196 |
Manufacture of Oxygen by Brins’ Process, Compressing Gases in Cylinders, &c. | Henry Brier, MIME | | XXIII | 1891 | 212 |
Some Elementary Facts Regarding the Foci of Lenses, with Special Reference to Dallmeyer’s New Tele-Photograhic Lens | John Brown, BSc, CE | 13 April 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 225 |
On the Causes of the Spread of Pulmonary Consumption and Other Tubercular Diseases | Eben Duncan, MD | 30 March 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 237 |
Fogs: a Review of our Present Position Regarding them | W Ernest F Thomson, MA, MB | 3 February 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 257 |
Memoir of the late Sir Andrew Ramsay, FRS | John Young, MD | 20 January 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 281 |
On the late John Mossman | Thomas Gildard | 14 March 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 291 |
Memoir of the late Professor Dittmar, LL.D, FRS, FRSE | Charles A Fawsitt, FRSE, FCS | 27 April 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 303 |
Report of Sections | | 27 April 1892 | XXIII | 1892 | 311 |
Minutes of Session | | | XXIII | | 314 |
Report of Council for Session 1890-91 | | | XXIII | | 315 |
Report of Library Committee | | | XXIII | | 317 |
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1890-91 | | | XXIII | | 318 |
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1890-91 | | | XXIII | | 320 |
Science Lectures Association Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – 1890-91 | | | XXIII | | 321 |
Office-Bearers of the Society | | | XXIII | | 332 |
Committees Appointed by the Council | | | XXIII | | 333 |
Office-Bearers of Sections | | | XXIII | | 334 |
Additions to the Library | | | XXIII | | 336 |
Books Purchased – 1891-92 | | | XXIII | | 339 |
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made | | | XXIII | | 341 |
List of Periodicals Received | | | XXIII | | 347 |
List of Members for 1891-92 | | | XXIII | | 350 |
Index | | | XXIII | | 362 |
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VOLUME XXIV | | | | | |
| | | | | |
Some Recent Experiments with a Ruhmkorff Coil | Magnus Maclean, MA, FRSE | | XXIV | 1892 | 1 |
Reformed Public Houses: Notes Upon the Scandinavian Licensing Systems, and the Bishop of Chester’s Recent Proposals | John Mann jun., MA, CA | | XXIV | 1892 | 9 |
The Geography and Ethnology of Mashonaland, with a Brief Account of the Ruins of Zimbabwe | Robert M W Swan | | XXIV | 1892 | 29 |
Recent Developments of the Hamilton Coalfield | Robert Thomas Moore, BSc, | 25 January 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 51 |
On a New System of Firing Pottery-Ware, by the Use of Gaseous Fuel | W F Murray | 19 April 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 64 |
On the Elements of Profit | Sheriff Mark Davidson | | XXIV | 1893 | 73 |
Comparative Tests of Hellesen and E.C.C. Dry Battery Cells | Professor Jamieson, MInst.CE, FRSE | 22 March 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 89 |
The Education of the Deaf and (So called) Dumb | James Kerr Love, MD and W H Addison | 8 February 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 117 |
Memoir of the late Dr Robert Grant, FRS | Professor William Jack, LL.D | 5 April 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 139 |
Exploration of the Amazonian Provinces of Central Peru | Alexander Ross, FRGS | 5 April 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 148 |
Lord Kelvin’s New Electricity Meters | Andrew W Meikle, MA | | XXIV | 1892 | 170 |
The Light Sense in Relation to Navigation | Freeland Fergus, MD | 22 March 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 177 |
On Special Applications of the Telephone | William Aitken | 19 April 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 184 |
Notes of a Mining Engineer’s Visit to South Africa | Alexander George Moore, MA, BSc, ME | 19 April 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 190 |
Obituary of W R W Smith | J B Russell, MD, LL.D | | XXIV | 1893 | 206 |
Obituary of Sir Michael Connal | | | XXIV | 1893 | 211 |
The late Professor James Thomson, LL.D, DSc, CE, FRS | J T Bottomley, MA, DSc, FRS | | XXIV | 1893 | 220 |
Obituary of John Jex Long | | | XXIV | 1893 | 237 |
On the Planning of Public Libraries (Abstract) | G Washington Browne, Assoc. RSA | 30 January 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 240 |
Reports of Sections, Session 1892-3 | | 3 May 1893 | XXIV | 1893 | 253 |
Minutes of Session, 1892-93 | | | XXIV | | 257 |
Report of Council for Session 1891-92 | | | XXIV | | 259 |
Report of the Library Committee | | | XXIV | | 261 |
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account, Session 1891-92 | | | XXIV | | 262 |
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1891-92 | | | XXIV | | 264 |
The Science Lectures Association Fund, Abstract of Treasurer’s Account – Session 1891-92 | | | XXIV | | 265 |
Office-Bearers of the Society | | | XXIV | | 277 |
Committees Appointed by the Council | | | XXIV | | 278 |
Office-Bearers of Sections | | | XXIV | | 279 |
Additions to the Library | | | XXIV | | 281 |
New Books Recently Added to the Library by Purchase | | | XXIV | | 282 |
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made | | | XXIV | | 285 |
List of Periodicals Received in Reading Room | | | XXIV | | 291 |
List of Members for 1892-93 | | | XXIV | | 294 |
Index | | | XXIV | | 306 |
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VOLUME XXV | | | | | |
| | | | | |
On the Work of the Philosophical and Other Scientific Societies | Professor John Ferguson, LL.D, FRSE, FCS, | | XXV | 1893 | 1 |
On Architecture as an Art | Campbell Douglas, RIBA | | XXV | 1893 | 15 |
Technical Education in Glasgow and the West of Scotland: a Retrospect and a Prospect | Henry Dyer, CE, MA, DSc | | XXV | 1893 | 23 |
A Living Wage | William Smart, MA, LL.D | | XXV | 1893 | 52 |
On the Report of Lord Herschell’s Committee on Indian Currency | Alexander Macindoe | | XXV | 1893 | 71 |
On the “Paristagan” System of Building with Concrete | John Dougan | | XXV | 1893 | 90 |
Above the Snow-line in Scotland | Gilbert Thomson, MA, CE | 10 January 1894 | XXV | 1894 | 98 |
Some Notes on the Place-names and Dialect of Shetland | David Ross, MA,BSc, LL.D | 24 January 1894 | XXV | 1894 | 108 |
On the Glaciation of the West of Scotland | Dugald Bell, FGS | 24 January 1894 | XXV | 1894 | 118 |
On Sorghum Sugar Experiments in the United States | T L Patterson, FCS, FIC | 7 February 1894 | XXV | 1894 | 137 |
The Glasgow Building Regulations Act, (1892) | George W Barras | | XXV | 1894 | 155 |
The Apprentice Question | John Inglis | 27 March 1894 | XXV | 1894 | 170 |
On the First Edition of the Chemical Writings of of Democritus and Synesius. Part IV | Professor John Ferguson, LL.D, FSA, FCS | | XXV | 1893 | 182 |
On the Abbeys and Cathedrals in Scotland | P MacGregor Chalmers, FSA | 5 March 1894 | XXV | 1894 | 192 |
On Dynamo-Electric Machinery | W B Sayers, MInst.EE | 21 March 1894 | XXV | 1894 | 196 |
Some Important Sanitary Problems | James Chalmers, IA | | XXV | 1893 | 208 |
Some Early Treatises on Technological Chemistry | Professor John Ferguson, LL.D FRSE, FCS | 2 May 1894 | XXV | 1894 | 224 |
Reports of Sections, Session 1893-94 | | 3 May 1894 | XXV | | 236 |
Minutes of Session, 1892-94 | | | XXV | | 240 |
Report of Council for Session 1892-93 | | | XXV | | 241 |
Report of the Library Committee | | | XXV | | 243 |
Abstract of Treasurer’s Account, Session 1892-93 | | | XXV | | 244 |
Graham Medal and Lecture Fund: Abstract of Treasurer’s Account, Session 1892-93 | | | XXV | | 246 |
The Science Lecture Association Fund: Abstract of Treasurer’s Account, Session 1892-93 | | | XXV | | 247 |
Office-Bearers of the Society | | | XXV | | 259 |
Committees Appointed by the Council | | | XXV | | |
Office-Bearers of Sections | | | XXV | | |
Additions to the Library | | | XXV | | 263 |
New Books Recently Added to the Library by Purchase | | | XXV | | 264 |
List of Societies and Publications with which Exchanges are made | | | XXV | | 267 |
List of Periodicals Received in the Reading Room | | | XXV | | 273 |
List of Members for 1893-94 | | | XXV | | 276 |
Index | | | XXV | | 288 |