The War and the Races of EuropeProfessor Dudley J Medley, MA4 November 1914XLVI19141
The Economic Dislocation of the WarProfessor William Smart, DPhil, LL.D7 October 1914XLVI191416
Pan-Germanism: Its Actual Past and Probable FutureAndrew R Cowan18 November 1914XLVI191437
The Dual Alliance and the Triple EntenteProfessor Robert Rait, MA2 December 1914XLVI191458
Warfare: Mediaeval and ModernW M Mackenzie27 January 1915XLVI191574
Bells and their TonesGeorge E Allan, DSc16 December 1914XLVI191492
Memoir of the late William EwingFrederick L M Moir24 February 1915XLVI1915106
Some Motives for ColonisationMiss Theodora Keith10 March 1915XLVI1915113
The Geographical Factor in Ancient ColonisationJ D Falconer, MA, DSc, FRGS10 March 1915XLVI1915125
Power Traction in WarThe Right Hon. Sir John H A Macdonald, KCB, LL.D, FRS24 February 1915XLVI1915136
Style in SpenserJames H Steel, MA20 January 1915XLVI1915146
The Working of Conciliation Boards in the Coal Trade, with Special Reference to ScotlandAdam Nimmo, MA10 February 1915XLVI1915206
The Poetry of WarWilliam Robb, MA24 March 1915XLVI1915218
Rules Governing the Competition for the Graham Medal  XLVI 239
Minutes of Session 1914-15  XLVI 240
Office-Bearers of the Society  XLVI 258
Office-Bearers of Sections  XLVI 259
Committees Appointed by the Council  XLVI 261
Additions to the Library  XLVI 262
Exchanges with Other Societies  XLVI 265
List of Periodicals  XLVI 273
List of Members  XLVI 276
Index  XLVI 294
The Hellespont in RetrospectGeorge Neilson, LL.D6 October 1915XLVII19151
The War and Economic ProgressJ H Jones, MA3 November 1915XLVII191525
Geography and Politics in the Balkan Peninsula: with Special Reference to MacedoniaDr Marion Newbiggin1 December 1915XLVII191548
The Ethics of AdvocacyH P Macmillan, KC23 February 1916XLVII191652
Ancient Artillary, With Special Reference to the Early Ordnance of ScotlandSir James Balfour Paul, CVO, LL.D26 January 1916XLVII191672
The Origin of the Varieties of CoalE J Edwards, MSc, FRGS8 March 1916XLVII191686
Joannes Matthaeus Lunensis and his Tract, “De Rerum Inventoribus.” Part IIProfessor John Ferguson, LL.D,15 December 1915XLVII1915102
The Khalifate: Its History and Present PositionProfessor William Stevenson, DLitt15 December 1915XLVII1915108
On Paying Our War-BillProfessor Scott, MA, DPhil, Litt.D, LL.D, BFA22 March 1916XLVII1916122
Three Pirated Plays of ShakespeareJames D Fitzgerald8 December 1915XLVII1915138
Failures of Engineering ConstructionProfesor George Moncur, BSc, MInst, CE17 November 1915XLVII1915174
Some Early treatises on Technological Chemistry, Supplement VProfessor John Ferguson, LL.D9 February 1916XLVII1916176
The Convention of the BurghsMiss Theodora Keith15 March 1916XLVII1916229
Rules Governing the Competition for the Graham Medal  XLVII 254
Minutes of Session 1915-16  XLVII 255
Office-Bearers of the Society  XLVII 271
Office-Bearers of Sections  XLVII 272
Committees Appointed by the Council  XLVII 274
Additions to the Library  XLVII 275
Exchanges with Other Societies  XLVII 277
List of Periodicals  XLVII 285
List of Members  XLVII 287
Index  XLVII 305
Forestry and the WarSir John Stirling-Maxwell, Bart. DL29 November 1916XLVIII19161
The Problem of Secret DiplomacyAndrew R Cowan18 October 1916XLVIII191618
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, OM, GCSI, CB, FRS,MDProfessor F O Bower, ScD, FRS31 January 1917XLVIII191737
The Fueds of the KennedysRight Hon. Sir Herbert E Maxwell, Bart., PC, FRS, DCL, LL.D14 February 1917XLVIII191760
Mrs Anderson and the Royal Prerogative in PrintingRev. W J Couper, MA7 March 1917XLVIII191779
Professor John Ferguson, MA, LL.D, FRSE, FSAProfessor John M Thomson, LLD, FRS28 March 1917XLVIII1917103
The Place of the Woman Worker in Reconstructed IndustryMiss Elizabeth B Mitchell, BA1 November 1916XLVIII1916115
Trade After the WarJames W Murray28 March 1917XLVIII1917126
The Evolution of the WarshipWilliam Gray, BSc28 February 1917XLVIII1917138
Rules Governing the Competition for the Graham Medal  XLVIII 146
Minutes of Session 1916-17  XLVIII 147
Office-Bearers of the Society  XLVIII 165
Office-Bearers of Sections  XLVIII 166
Committees Appointed by the Council  XLVIII 168
Additions to the Library  XLVIII 169
Exchanges with Other Societies  XLVIII 171
List of Periodicals  XLVIII 179
List of Members  XLVIII 181
Index  XLVIII 198
The Future of the Boys’ Brigade OrganisationRight Hon. Viscount Haldane, FRS, KT, OM10 October 1917XLIX19171
The Adjustment of War Expenditure Between Taxes and LoansProfessor W R Scott, DPhil, LittD, LL.D, FBA21 November 1917XLIX191710
The Sugar Industry After the WarT H P Heriot13 February 1918XLIX191831
The Language of PoetryDavid J Mackenzie, FSA27 February 1918XLIX191845
The Textile Industry After the WarWilliam Watson13 March 1918XLIX191872
The Need for Revision of the Present Basis of Local TaxationEbenezer Duncan, MD, PRFPSG24 October 1917XLIX191789
The Saga of the WapenfirthersRobert L Bremner, MA, LL.D28 November 1917XLIX191799
Classic Gaelic Poetry of PanegricProfessor William J Watson, MA, LL.D19 December 1917XLIX1917134
Horace Walpole’s LettersSheriff A S D Thomson27 March 1918XLIX1918157
Metallurgy and the WarCecil H Desch, DSc, PhD7 November 1917XLIX1917178
Rules Governing the Competition for the Graham Medal  XLIX 197
Minutes of Session 1917-18  XLIX 198
Office-Bearers of the Society  XLIX 216
Exchanges  XLIX 217
List of Periodicals  XLIX 225
List of Members  XLIX 227
Index  XLIX 244
William PennWilliam Gillies, LL.D15 January 1919L19191
Science and EducationJ Graham Kerr4 December 1918L191833
The Knights Hospitallers and the Conquest of RhodesJohn Edwards, LL.D, FRSE9 October 1918L191850
The Future of PalestineT H Weir, MRAS20 November 1918L191864
David Dickson of IrvineProfessor H M B Reid, DD18 December 1918L191879
The late F J AmoursGeorge Neilson, LL.D26 February 1919L191990
What can History Teach?Andrew R Cowan3 December 1919L191996
Modern Developments of AircraftColonel John A Sillers19 November 1919L1919116
The Bead Test for Colour VisionR A Houston, DSc, PhD17 December 1919L1919124
The Liberation of Electrons by LightH Stanley Allen, MA,DSc14 January 1920L1920129
Historic CostumeMiss M B M’Farlane28 January 1920L1920135
St Ninian: Apostle of the Britons and Eastern PictsJames Knight, MA,DSC,FRSE11 February 1920L1920146
James WattT Lindsay Galloway, MA, FGS25 February 1920L1920154
Conservation of our Coal ResourcesJ W Gregory, FRS,MIMM10 March 1920L1920171
Rules Governing the Competition for the Graham Medal  L 193
Minutes of Session, 1918-19  L 194
Office-Bearers of the Society, 1918-19  L 212
Minutes of Session, 1919-20  L 213
Exchanges  L 230
List of Periodicals  L 231
List of Members  L 239
Index  L ix
   L xxvii

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