Key aspects of the Society’s amended constitution.

At the AGM on 4th October the constitution of the Society was amended. The key changes are outlined below. The number of elected Council members is reduced from 17 to 13. The term of office is three years. Office bearers will be elected at the AGM and serve a three

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What is in your attic?

Do you know what is in your attic, under the stairs or in the boxes that have not been opened for years? The Society was recently contacted by Mr and Mrs Russell, who were moving house and had copies of the Proceedings of the Society covering 1900 to 1914. We

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Members’ Special Event

28th September 2023  5pm – 8pm. Fairfield Heritage, GovanTo mark the start of our 222nd Lecture Series members attended an event at Fairfield Heritage, the building that was once the headquarters of the greatest shipbuilding enterprise in the world, the Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Company Ltd. Starting at 5.15pm the

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Member’s trips 2023

This year the Society organised trips for member to York and Newcastle, visiting like-minded Societies in those cities and having tours of various places of interest. Receptions were held for members by both the Yorkshire Philosophical Society in York and the Lit and Phil Society in Newcastle. The tours and

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Sally Beamish – links etc.

Following her talk on the 15th February Sally has provided a link to her Hill Stanzas performance and has also provided the programme notes. The performance can be found HERE and the programme notes con be downloaded here.

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